forum Free Art Requests!
Started by @RebeccArt

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I'd like to add an update from my old posts, I'm doing free art now for building my portfolio for art school. I have about three people lined up for now as I'm working on one request at the moment. So request away! Either email me or if you want art for a character just comment the link here and I'll try to reply within that day or the next to confirm. Please know that I will be posting this art on my DeviantArt, and will be using it for my portfolio along with the details. I will also be needing a small review just so I know if I'm capable of doing real commissions within the future. Thanks, everybody, and don't forget to check out my DeviantArt@ Happy Writing!


Update: I am temporarily closing requests now but you are still free to post your requests. I have 15 requests that will take me through the next 3-5 weeks. Once I'm finished, I will check back and start again. Thank you for your patience, and happy writing!


@Paxi_The_Penguin If you're on a desktop, the discussions main page far right side has an inbox next to the settings. If your using notebook ai mobile then you'll actually need to google search inbox because it's not accessible through your personal notebook. After that, it's pretty much the same thing. The reason why I am having trouble is that usually when I put in the @ it'll have a follow-up user but yours for some reason doesn't show up. So I'm hoping that it will work the other way round.


@writelikeyourerunningoutoftime @Mindful_Bison I'd love to draw them for you, I'll put you on the list. Please email me so I can contact you with further questions I'll have when starting.

what is your email?