forum Forum Game: How much for the dare
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 10 followers


FREE FREEE FREEEE (that is literally my classes theme song movie, we sing it literally every day)
Only listening to music in a foreign language you don’t speak


Announce in a whole-school assembly that you got fluro pink My Little Pony underpants for your birthday and you love them

Deleted user

Free (I'm already know ad being weird at school 😂)

Swim in a piranha infested river.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Have almost literally done that, and if I got paid for it I’d want $50.

Have someone sent into an office, and when they come in, you swivel to face them and say, “I’ve been expecting you…” and proceed to convince them that you’re secretly an assassin and try to convince them to join your agency. (I have no idea where I got half this from. Lol)