forum [Forum Game] Game Developer:Notebook.Ai edition!
Started by @yoshi

people_alt 33 followers


Credit:Game by PokéHeroes user YosukeHanamura77

Original thread:

You always wanted to be a Game Developer. One day you came across something very interesting on a newspaper. "We're looking for employees at —–!" You go there, and you have to fill a form.

In-game Name:

Rules and how to play:

There are 4 tasks: Code, Sound, Writing, and Art. Each must be completed in order to release a game.
Every character must have a specialization on any of the 4 tasks.
Everything is decided through unanimous voting.
Players of the original game receive a bonus. Edit:The one on Pokéheroes is NOT the original game, it is a remake! Keep that in mind.
You start with a very limited computer, so you better not make anything that requires more than the computer can handle, or no testing can be made.

There are four traits:
Favoured by the Bank: You gain a bank account, and 12.5% of the money from sales, is also in your bank account, not only in the shared balance. I can explain more later.

Expert: Your Specialization Level is higher, and you are overall better at your specialty.

Better Equipment: The Starter Computer is slightly enhanced.

Your trait affects you and only you.

You are now employed at —–. You receive a computer with the following specs:

10Mhz CPU Clock
12MB of RAM
100MB of HDD
Video card from 1995
10MB of External HD
Windows 95

Luckily there is a program for coding/drawing/composing/writing but very limited.

Employee List:

Username: TheMezzoSystem
In-game Name: ZJ Fallen
Specialization: Sound
Level:1, 0 EXP

Username: Red-Ace-of-Hearts
In-Game Name: Arean
Specialization: Sound
Trait: Expert
Level 1, 0 EXP

Username: CW_ShadeStar (Usually)
In-game Name: Lotus
Specialization: Code
Trait: Better Equipment
Level 1, 0 EXP

Username: @SleepySnake
In-game Name: SpearmintAndHoney
Specialization: Art
Trait: Better Equipment
Level 1, 0 EXP



Thank you!

Oh, yeah, i forgot, there are three traits to choose from!
Each trait affects you and only you, Which one will you choose?

Favoured by the Bank: You gain a bank account, and 12.5% of the money from sales, is also in your bank account, not only in the shared balance. I can explain more later.

Expert: Your Specialization Level is higher, and you are overall better at making sounds.

Better Equipment: The Starter Computer is slightly enhanced.

@TeamMezzo group


Thank you!

Oh, yeah, i forgot, there are three traits to choose from!
Each trait affects you and only you, Which one will you choose?

Favoured by the Bank: You gain a bank account, and 12.5% of the money from sales, is also in your bank account, not only in the shared balance. I can explain more later.

Sound Expert: Your Sound Level is higher, and you are overall better at making sounds.

Better Equipment: The Starter Computer is slightly enhanced.

can you explain the bank one? I might do it.



Thank you!

Oh, yeah, i forgot, there are three traits to choose from!
Each trait affects you and only you, Which one will you choose?

Favoured by the Bank: You gain a bank account, and 12.5% of the money from sales, is also in your bank account, not only in the shared balance. I can explain more later.

Sound Expert: Your Sound Level is higher, and you are overall better at making sounds.

Better Equipment: The Starter Computer is slightly enhanced.

can you explain the bank one? I might do it.

I believe it means you have a separate bank account from the company and you get a fraction of the company's money in your bank account.
Not sure why it exists but hey, i didn't make the game, i just brought it to this forum.


Username: Red-Ace-of-Hearts
In-Game Name: Arean
Specialization: Sound
Trait: Expert


We will need to wait till there's one specialist of every type before we begin.


Username: CW_ShadeStar (It's different at the moment, but that's my default.)
In-game Name: Lotus
Specialization: Code
Trait: Better Equipment


Username: CW_ShadeStar (It's different at the moment, but that's my default.)
In-game Name: Lotus
Specialization: Code
Trait: Better Equipment


Deleted user

Erm, I would love to do this… But I have no clue how to code or anything… My friend codes games and I'm just his artist.


Erm, I would love to do this… But I have no clue how to code or anything… My friend codes games and I'm just his artist.

You don't have to actually do the task that is your specialty, we aren't creatong real games here.

Deleted user

Username: @SleepySnake
In-game Name: SpearmintAndHoney
Specialization: Art
Trait: Better Equipment


Username: @SleepySnake
In-game Name: SpearmintAndHoney
Specialization: Art
Trait: Better Equipment



Can I change my specialty to writing, please?

Now we can begin

Week 1

Game #1
Stage: Concept
0 Quality
0 Code Quality
0 Art Quality
0 Writing Quality
0 Sound Quality

1 Week=1 Turn.