forum Forum Game: Favorites
Started by @Becfromthedead group

people_alt 9 followers

@Becfromthedead group

The premise of this is pretty simple. It's kind of to help us get to know each other better.
So basically, someone lists a category (as general or specific as you want), and the next person picks their favorite thing (you can pick more than one if you can't decide) from that category, and names a new category for the next person. Repeats are allowed.
Person A: favorite color
Person B: green, purple; book series
Person C: Harry Potter; time of day
Person D: Evening; flower
and so on.
I'll start!
Favorite sea animal?


Favourite book?

(Yessss pasta is life)

…Brody's Ghost, mostly because that's the only thing I've read in quite a while (In my defense, my mom never takes me to the library so it's not like I have a chance to read anything else)

@Becfromthedead group

Lol we already lost the chain… I'll just give my favorite book too and continue it
Pendragon series (probably my all-time favorite that I forget about sometimes)
Favorite bird

@Becfromthedead group

(My dumb self should know to use units. I can't claim to be good at chemistry then go say stuff like that lmao)
Uhhhhhh that's a hard one… I'm not materialistic at all, so probably this necklace that I have? It's gold and has hearts on it, and my fiance gave it to me for Christmas last year. It used to be his mom's, and that's honestly the sweetest part.
Favorite drink?


(Ikr but I sorta despise chemistry)

Hmmm… I think it would have to be Beisk iced tea. I specify Brisk because nestea os a little bitter and any other ones ove had are too sweet or too bitter. This one is just right

Do you like going for walks in the early morning, after rain, night time, etc