forum Forum Game: Bit more about yourself
Started by @yeetus

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My boyfriend dumped me a while ago because he said i was controling (LOL SADNESS :( )

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turns out, when i was a baby, i almost died. Fun.

Ayyyy! Another person that almost died!

Ayyyy!! Death pals!


Ayyyyyyyyy i didn't almost die

Deleted user

turns out, when i was a baby, i almost died. Fun.

Ayyyy! Another person that almost died!

Ayyyy!! Death pals!


Ayyyyyyyyy i didn't almost die

same here

@HighPockets group

My fandom is a dumpster fire right now, like half are super nice and the other half should be wiped from existence because HARASSING ACTORS, ACTRESSES, AND DIRECTORS IS NEVER OKAY EVEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE MOVIE OR CHARACTER!!!!


Deleted user

8 is a cutie, and Romana 1 is just plain snooty (not to mention uptight and a bit of a control freak, but otherwise pretty good as a companion. I dunno, I just work here.)

Deleted user

CURSE YOU, MOFFAT! BRING BACK amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) AND RORY RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR…..