forum Forum Game: Bit more about yourself
Started by @yeetus

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I have had what I consider to be a good idea for a story brewing in my head for a few months. Know what I've done with it so far?
That's right. I haven't done shit.

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I am currently killing off a character in an rp (its Walmart life but its a horror love story)

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I have this thing for pens… i collect them i just urgh fangirl over pens its strange


I usually obsess over one fandom for like months then obsess over another one while still obsessing over the old one

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I volunteer at an interactive history museum, maybe you've heard of it…Conner Prairie? I dress up as an 1836 character and do stuff.

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Jeremy Z. Goose is the spastic goose sidekick to the beautiful Wanda Cherubim in the Canadian Police Force.