forum For anyone who is concerned in the well being of @Cønstance
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

I need a break, I really do. I apologize profusely.

I am mentally exhausted, my brain can only handle so much. With nearly all my attention going into my projects and roleplays, it's getting increasingly harder to focus on more important subjects.
I'm also struggling with the realization that I may have mild to moderate dyslexia, which is extremely hard to deal with all so suddenly.
To anyone who is roleplaying with me, I'm sorry but my replies will be random.
It's just extremely hard to focus on anything, it has been for a while but I have reached my peak.

Deleted user

It's fine, take your time. Your well being is more important

Deleted user

That's fine. You spell really well for someone with dyslexia either way, so that's a bonus.

Holy shit that sounded rude,sorry. I just think you're dealing really well with the craziness in your life from what I can tell, and I can understand needing a break. I hope you'll he okay, and if you need time off of the site I totally understand that, or if you don't that's cool too. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm behind you all the way!

Deleted user

That's fine. You spell really well for someone with dyslexia either way, so that's a bonus.

Holy shit that sounded rude,sorry. I just think you're dealing really well with the craziness in your life from what I can tell, and I can understand needing a break. I hope you'll he okay, and if you need time off of the site I totally understand that, or if you don't that's cool too. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm behind you all the way!

I really don't. XD Thanks though, sounded a lot like a compliment. I use various writing extensions for my computer so I don't seem completely retarded.
Also, thank you for your support and understanding, I appreciate it.


Hey Connie, I don't think I'm in any real place with you, but I understand what you're going through. I just wanted to say that I'm here to offer you support as always. Thank you for speaking out, and telling all of us about this.


I get it. Take a break, do whatever you need to, but let it be known that I'm here for you. So is everyone else on this site. We care about you and just want you to be okay 💜