forum Flaskbacks to Things You've Written
Started by Mio

people_alt 2 followers


Ok, this is going to sound weird, and I want to know if anyone has also experienced this. One day, my mom and I were out shopping. We were going down the road when this car speeds around the corner, just barely missing us. And, I had this moment when it happened where I saw a car crash in my mind. Now, I've never been in a car crash, but I had written one in detail right around the time this happened. So, I linked the two up and thought "I've just had a flashback to something one of my characters went through." There hasn't been another moment exactly like that since that day, but several things remind me of my writing all the time. And, sometimes scenarios are too close and on point with what I've written. I'm slightly scared by it. Can any of you relate?