forum *Finger guns*
Started by @Pandapocalypse

people_alt 70 followers

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finger guns because frick frackling today has been an amazzzinggggg and confuuusiiiiinnngg day and I just wanna rant

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finger guns because
the day started out awesome I had oatmeal watched some try guys and then went to school in my Ravenclaw tie because even though I'm a girl it's Stay Classy Friday (every friday is Stay Classy Friday) and it was awesome and I put a pen inside so now my tie can hold pens and it's great. And then social studies began and it was funny because Trent who is one of the cutest lil' things and I counted the number of times Mrs. Hampton said some variation of 'ok' which was exactly 101 by the time class ended, we started our Mesopotania unit but Mrs. Hampton is fun and I sit next to one of my best friends and a cinnamon roll so it was boring and fun at the same time. And then I went to gym and I thought I was gonna get all sweaty but I didn't because we were outside so that was a plus and then my other friend and I ran laps with another one of the cutest cinnamon rolls named Jackson and he likes memes and we discussed those and then next class is science and I sit next to Trent again and we and Rachel share a love for p!atd so we listened to that while doing work and it was fun as heck and lastly came choir where Mrs. Scheides gave us our cheorgraphy spots for the concert and me and my besties got front row because we practiced and it paid off and we LITERALLY GOT TOLD WE WERE THE BEST ONES and then on the ride home I saw Trent and his soccer buddies from spain playing soccer in the field and it was the cutest thing and I listened to more p!atd and I helped a friend out who has autism and is depressed but she said that she liked me a lot as a friend because there's no one who pays any attention to her except me and when I got home there was a squirrel in the road so I picked it up and buried it and my neighbor smiled at me which he never does and when I got home there were apple cider donuts and chocolate milk and my room had been cleaned and it felt fresh and everything and then I found out that there's a homecoming at the place I volunteer for in a week so I'm hyped.

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fingerguns at my shitty day so we didn’t get to go outside for Band, which was what I was looking forward to the most grrr and in Biology was okay but I didn’t do my work so I have easy homework. My AP History class is when it fell apart for me because I TOTALLY forgot to do a reading that we had a quiz on, and I kinda teared up because what if my parents found out that I’d failed another quiz and oh noooo and i got so afraid and frusturated it just pented up and I kinda teared up and it was awful and i felt everyone staring at me noooo anyway my teacher (who is literally the best woman on this planet) noticed me tearing up and walked over and gave me options for me to take it later which I gratefully accepted. She told me to write down the questions and turn it in whenever I could, as long as it was in the morning that that was great but I felt humiliated and upset at how I ungrasped at my emotions/extreme stress. But anyway the class ended with me basically the most nervous I’ve been in a while because what if word got out? I’m not one to worry about shit like that but when I crack under strain and stress (I do it most around my parents and the yell at me for it and I abolutely hate it to the point where it’s just gotten easier to break down in stressful stuations) and I went to Latin which was boring and Health crippled my dream because the economy sucks ass and I had ELA where i had to write a paper and i had Geometry which is the class I’m most behind in and i’m really afraid for when my parents figure that out because instead of being understanding they’ll just be asshats about it and
im edgy i’m sorry…

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fingerguns weakly because I hate my family because they stress me out

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Finger guns because don't they all? We'll help you get through whatever the hell of a nasty situation you're in the sticky middle of. Okay?

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fingerguns because imagine that but at high school where work is literally overloading you to the point of crying in front of your classmates

I'm sorry I'm being really selfish

i'll be quiet now

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finger guns because I don't think you're being selfish, go on if you'd like.

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smol hug back


where were we after I butted in with my depression?