forum Fill this thread with stuff that makes you really happy!
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people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

Im feeling kind of down lately (what else is new) so put some stuff here that makes you just feel nice and warm inside.

I'll start, my dog came over to make me feel better when i was sad

Deleted user

@SnakeChild-Creator-Of-Strange-Characters-Antisocial-Theatre-Nerd-Duskie-Finder-Of-Weird-Memes hun are you okay…

Deleted user

Welp ok…

One thing that makes me happy (and also incredibly nervous) is that i have a real crush for the first time ever and god she’s so pretty and her laugh is so nice and just,,,,eeee,,,,


Aww that's cute. Like fire. Fire is cute in it's own way. The beautiful, destructive flames dancing around… Anyway, that's nice. I wish you the best of luck with her.