forum feeling left out? yOkes
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 38 followers


Tiramisu, I’m not sure if I’ve told you this before, but you are probably one of my favorite people on this site. You’re always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to, and you were one of the first people I met here. You’ve put up with all my annoying things, and you’ve spread happiness across the forums with the sheer adorableness of Fried Potato. I can’t imagine this site without you, in fact if it wasn’t for you I don’t think I’d be as happy as I am now.
Remember that we all love you, and we want you to stay :3.

Narp. hugs

@Mojack group

I vanished for some time a few months back and came back. It was like everyone was involved in something, then there was just lil ol me. I join RPs but they don’t seem to last too long.

Aside from that, the new Godzilla movie will be coming out in 16 weeks or around that time!

Deleted user

YES a thank you!!! And I have to admit, i’ve Never seen a Godzilla movie in my life

Deleted user

I don't belong in any families or cults (cough cough triple c should die in hell and never come back cough) which I'm kinda happy I'm not….
But… Godzilla movies? Ooh yesh. I watched like 5 of them in a row since they had a marathon on TV or something.

Deleted user

Because there are some awkward things going around that I don't even want to witness anymore.

Deleted user

Like….. What the f–ing hell is this crap????

Deleted user

let’s not bad-mouth anyone…

I'm trying…. I'm trying so hard at this point…. But…. Seriously….. Out of all the things you could bring to this site… It has to be about shipping grocery stores.

Deleted user

I see nothing weird about censoring cursing with the Japanese word for pancake and worshipping an orange furry that loves ALLLL kids

…Oh パンケーキ



I vanished for some time a few months back and came back. It was like everyone was involved in something, then there was just lil ol me. I join RPs but they don’t seem to last too long.

Aside from that, the new Godzilla movie will be coming out in 16 weeks or around that time!

I remember you from the introduce yourself! thread

Deleted user

I'm done here.
I'll go and belong in my own rp, the one on none! :'3