forum Farewell frens....
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 6 followers


Oh my goodness I thought you were leaving forever
That scared me
But hey you'll be here a bit longer!
And also when you DO leave, have fun!

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I'm gonna miss u already dreading next thursday

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I went on a eight hour car ride, I made it to the place in 5 in the morning. So it's oki, you'll survive.

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Did you not hear the part about noisy cousins?

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I did hear the part about the noisy cousins and I have raging nausea too. I finally figured out the reason ppl get nausea so whenever u feel like you're gonna throw up, look out the window and take a few deep breaths.


I have literally learned how to block out the noise……
Me and my family(There are six of us, including my parents, and just imagine, four kids under eleven(bc I was ten then) in a seven-seater car. What could go wrong, amirite?) went on a TWO MONTH road trip
My youngest sibling was two. TWO
And she was always screaming
I'm still traumatized

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Good luck Idk wat to say, I need sleep. Ack, Idek if I need sleep or not