forum Fandoms Unite Day!!!
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people_alt 41 followers

Deleted user

These crazy realms of entertainment really do bring us all together, and I think that's really special.
I believe that we can all agree that next year (especially) there is going to be an even bigger divide in people in the real world due to contrasting political beliefs and so on…, but fandoms really help people to overlook differences and unite.
I thought that next year and for years after, there should be an annual fandoms unite day where people from all different places and of all different beliefs celebrate being a part of something great together. I also know that things can get pretty tight between different fandoms, but it can be looked at as a day where no matter what you are in, you appreciate all of the fanfictions written and tears shed. It wouldn't be like a comic con, because it could happen everywhere. Anyone could hold a small gathering.
I really think that people need this. If you're in, say aye!!!