forum f*ck, I'm really stressed
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Just wanted to create a place where I can just
everything in life is so stressful right now, and over this week I've started to realize I have a really, really, really bad self esteem issue, to the point where I can't even take a compliment without my brain attacking me with insults, and apparently I've also held onto every bad comment anyone's ever made about me since 5th grade and that's definitely not healthy.
Anyway how is everyone doing? Feel free to yeet all of your overwhelming stress here, no matter what it is

@Story_Siren group

Hiii, same here- finals soon and i have a speech that im not confident for the topic and everything else and it's just devolved into the type of stress where something's always on the back of your mind but you can't recall what it is? anyway its great


over this week I've started to realize I have a really, really, really bad self-esteem issue, to the point where I can't even take a compliment without my brain attacking me with insults, and apparently I've also held onto every bad comment anyone's ever made about me since 5th grade and that's definitely not healthy.

I consider myself a confident person but even the smallest of insults thrown at me is enough to send me into a panic attack complete with tears, lack of sleep, etc. Which is why I always jump to defend anyone and everyone constantly and would forgive people even if they had murdered my entire family


Hiii, same here- finals soon and i have a speech that im not confident for the topic and everything else and it's just devolved into the type of stress where something's always on the back of your mind but you can't recall what it is? anyway its great

I can kinda relate, I've got a presentation next week and an essay to write today and I'm not confident in either


Yeah. I can't relate, but I can sympathize with y'all. My best friend is the same way. He's got really low self-esteem and social anxiety, and major expression. Just listen to whatever music you feel brings out your inner badass, and see how it goes!


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am, and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am, and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

That's good. I'm glad to hear that as well! Looks like the quality of your life is on the rise! If there's anything I can do, let me know!


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

hugs You are perfect, Jenson The Ultimately Superior. You are an amazing bean and we all love you, remember that.


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am, and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

That's good. I'm glad to hear that as well! Looks like the quality of your life is on the rise! If there's anything I can do, let me know!

Thanks, Shuri ^.^ all I can really ask for right now is a bit of encouragement, because despite how good this is making me feel about myself, it's really really difficult. The effects of 6 years of built up self esteem issues can be hard to reverse.


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

hugs You are perfect, Jenson The Ultimately Superior. You are an amazing bean and we all love you, remember that.

It's Jensen* lmao
and thank you very much, that actually really really helps


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am, and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

That's good. I'm glad to hear that as well! Looks like the quality of your life is on the rise! If there's anything I can do, let me know!

Thanks, Shuri ^.^ all I can really ask for right now is a bit of encouragement, because despite how good this is making me feel about myself, it's really really difficult. The effects of 6 years of built up self esteem issues can be hard to reverse.

I know how that is. My bestie is in a similar situation! So we'll always be right behind you to spur you on!


Right now I'm trying to focus on building real confidence, not the weird rushes of confidence I get for a few days before falling apart again
I'm working on just telling myself I'm perfect the way I am and trying to take down the defensive walls that I didn't even know I had up. It seems to be helping though, I've realized that I've started to laugh a little more than I used to, and I'm sleeping better and my nightmares aren't as bad as they used to be.

hugs You are perfect, Jenson The Ultimately Superior. You are an amazing bean and we all love you, remember that.

It's Jensen* lmao
and thank you very much, that actually really really helps



Jensen, you're amazing. You're going to do great. Life can suck, but at least you're trying to get better. And it's working. And progress is progress. Even the smallest steps. So, Jensen, I'm here to say that you're gonna overcome life and do great because you're Jensen. You're gonna do awesome in whatever happens.

Here's one of my favorite lyrics and I think it applies here.
"Little things, all the stereotypes
They're gonna help you get through this one night
And there will be a day
When you can say you're okay and mean it"

showers you with more love