forum Everybody Comment Here!!!! (Let's get the most comments on one thread)
Started by @cheddarface

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Just comment whatever you want. This isn't a discussion thread and nobody should post more than five times. Well, this is my comment. Let's Begin!!!


idk what to put here so have this from r/copypasta

To dab, you will need to execute two motions simultaneously. One arm should be bent towards your body, with your elbow facing out. The other arm should face straight out from your shoulder. Raise both arms simultaneously, and dab by lowering your head into the arm that has a bent elbow. Repeat as many times as you want!
1 Lift your arms out to your sides. Raise up both of your arms so they are going straight out from your shoulders. Then, bend one arm in towards your body, as if you are preparing to sneeze into your hand.[1] Keep the other arm straight.
2 Tuck your head down. Next tuck your forehead down towards the arm that is bent and touch your forehead to your elbow area as if you are sneezing into your sleeve or dabbing sweat off of your brow.[2][3] Keep the other arm straight.[4] Straighten out your arm after you dab your forehead on it
3 Bang your head into your elbow. After you bring your head in towards your elbow, you can do a quick head bang motion (or two) before you straighten out your arm and switch sides.[5] Just quickly jolt your head forward towards your elbow. Head banging is generally considered safe, but keep in mind that is can cause injuries if you do it too hard.[6] You can always skip the head bang motion if you have concerns.
4 Switch sides. You can repeat the dab multiple times on one side or switch sides. If you switch sides, then repeat the same dab movement on the other side with your other arm. For example, if you started by dabbing on your left side, then switch over to your right side. Keep switching back and forth along with the music.
5 Move around. You can do the dab movement with your upper body and move your lower body however you like. You can hop around, walk around, or wiggle your hips. You can also do other moves in between dabs, such as waving your fists in the air or moving your arms from side to side in front of you.[7] Add your own flair and just try to have fun!

@Rvan group

Have any of you heard of Dan Bern?
Here’s a snippet of his hilarious lyrics.

/I spent ten long days in Jerusalem
Sweet Jerusalem
And all I ate was olives
Nothing but olives
Mountains of olives
It was a good ten days, I like olives
I like you too/

That artist is… something.


A guy is sitting at home when he hears a knock at the door. He opens the door and sees a snail on the porch. He picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can. Three years later there’s a knock on the door. He opens it and sees the same snail. The snail says: ‘What the hell was that all about?’


Well if a sea lion ate an apple faster then a silly stick on an eagle then I'm a monkey's uncle. Pormordi. Sick potatoes are how you spread diseases. Diseases that include the curse of Racko!!!!! dramatic music But you know, I guess it's normal. (this is doing better then I thought it would.