forum ever feel so annoying ?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

lately i feel really insecure when I'm talking or texting people that i'm really annoying????? Does anyone else ever feel that?
(also i had a weird anxiety attack in class yesterday I'm really embarrassed)
sorry for ranting.

Deleted user

Yesss especially on social media sites (hey like this one) where you post a lot and you’re afraid someone’s going to point it out…

i get that feel

Deleted user

ugh same. and I'm in a couple gcs on instagram and I'm pretty sure they made a separate gc without me because i was talking so much. sigh
and getting sleep is hard when your teachers post about quizzes the next day at 11:29pm, but i'll try.

Deleted user

honestly, same. part of it is that i'm so gosh darn diddly dang busy every day that i get no free time, so i try to compensate by staying up late. and then, even if i try to sleep at a reasonable time i just stay awake, thinking in the dark.
and then my mom get mad at me for staying up so late. its a hard existence.