forum endgame???anyone?? (spoilers )
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 49 followers


Oki, now that I know it's a joke…it changes a few things…but I still prefer Bucky as Cap.
ALSO anyone else freeeaakkk when Cap wielded Mjölnir????
(oof sorry change of subject :P )


i dont understand what it means to be worthy at ALL though
bc the russos say that cap was always worth, which just doesnt make sense to me


I think it's like your worthy if you will use Mjölnir for good only. To protect and serve. Not for any selfish reasons.


also, it makes no sense that both he and vision could wield it, even though they were on opposite sides of the civil war conflict. at that point one of them must not have been worthy,,,,i assume,,,


Okay another thing, anyone else upset that Thor and Jane broke up because now Darcy isn't around??? Like I miss Darcyyy…

(I know this is not really an Endgame thing, but I'm just sayin lol)


also, it makes no sense that both he and vision could wield it, even though they were on opposite sides of the civil war conflict. at that point one of them must not have been worthy,,,,i assume,,,

o.0 dammit, now what I was saying makes literally no sense. lmao