forum Empty People
Started by @Lord_Dunconius

people_alt 2 followers


Some of us feel an emptiness inside. A black hole which sucks in everything which used to move us. How do you think we writers should represent this sort of depression in our works?


I understand that feeling and it can be difficult to express but as writers we do have some options. 1) Bella Swan(Twilight) went into a depressive state, not eating, talking, leaving the house, 2) Tyler Durden(Fight club) had a split personality that wanted to experience pain/control over others. Your character could have 'high-low' state where they force themselves to feel happy but then crash into a sad state. They could fill the void with things - food, drugs, sex, spending money etc. Their emotions could be all over the place 'walking on egg shells kind of thing.
I hope this gave you some ideas… Good luck