forum Emo hangout
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 4 followers

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If im not its okay becuz no one really likes starset anyway and i'll leave if you dont want me…

@Oakie Dokie

Does S-Starset count in on this? Monster screams emo and its one of my favs….
Can i be included?

you're valid!! Starset is emo af

Deleted user

It says Emo is listed in the rock genre….
Wait. It says P!ATD is rock. And MCR. And FOB…

Deleted user

Okay well um. Anyone, other than Sly, interested in hearing Starset?
I understand if you're not, it's just the fandom is so small…

Deleted user

I know… I'm extremely ~flexible~ with my music so i'll check em out.

Deleted user

Owl city has 1.8M subs.
Starset has 519K.
That's one third of Owl city.
cradles head in hands
I'm so alone in this cruel world.

Deleted user

Neither did I.
I'm in love with one of the smallest bands on earth.

Deleted user

Well, for anyone who's interested…

(I originally pasted the wiki page for dubstep and almost posted it and now im dying)

Deleted user

That's good enough for me.

Deleted user

I'm not making these…
There's this thing called "Google".