forum Elise's little writing place because I like soup
Started by @Elise_Is_Feeling_Very_Homosexual_Rn

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Ok, so I haven't been practising as much as I would like to, so every day I plan on posting here with 100+ word short stories to practice my writing lmao. My inspiration could be anything from dreams to songs I like

1. The Perfect Ballerina

I am doll, stitched together by bits of faded dreams and lost promises, made up of empty lies and false hope.
I will forever be a young girl, cured into inhabiting the body of a broken, living ballerina, an animatronic for entertainment.
My arms move and my body twists, a repeating pattern. The metal inside me squeaks and groans, yet I still dance.

Many people came and visited my room, to laugh and take pictures, to clap at my misery, not knowing the full truth of what they are seeing. I was jealous of them, being able to roam about freely while I was trapped inside this doll.
While I couldn't do much from my spot in the middle of the room, I was able to see when the real, alive and human ballerinas walked by, their pristine pink tutus making my ripped and dirty one seem ragged and dirty.

They people who worked at my exhibition would never know how my dirty clothes got changed into the clean ones the ballerinas wore, nor why they would only change when a ballerina disappears, my new dresses and tutus identical to the ones they were last seen wearing.

They also couldn't explain why my hands were constantly stained a red coppery colour.

You see, the thing they didn't understand is that only i could be the perfect ballerina…. And I will kill to ensure that title is forever mine


2. A Pure Sacrifice

“You were chosen”

They said;

“Not to die, but to be re-born anew, as a vessel for the higher entities”

"its an honour, to be chosen by them"

Now, laying on the altar, I could feel myself being drained - not of life, but of what made me, me.

First my hair, the curly black locks I took such pride in fading away into straight, milky white strands.

The chants my village yelled out were hypnotic, but fading at an alarming rate, there was nothing for me to focus on to keep me tethers to earth, or the 'Mortal Realm', as the spiritual leaders called it.

I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn’t open. There was a thick black goo buildimg up inside me that I was sure would come flying out if I succeed in opening my mouth.

The edges of my vision slowly went into a deep, endless black as I fell into the abyss of my mind, to be trapped the for potentially the end if time.

I knew it was magic - and it was terrifying


(guys this may be a more crappy one because its almost 3am and I have no motivation, sorry!!!)
(inspired by this pin:

3. Be Careful Dear, They bite

"Make sure you stick close to the middle of the path, avoid touching the plants"

I warned, a slight edge to my voice as I stuck to the middle of the path, the overgrown plants that had creeped its way to the footpath slightly shrinking back as I approached.


I walked at a fairly fast pace, occasionally looking back at the gentleman I brought with me, watching him stomp over the flowers and vines that had grown onto the path. I narrowed my eyes, stopping and facing him

"didn't I just say to avoid touching the flowers?"

I hissed through gritted teeth, watching as he rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest

"calm down woman, their just some shitty flowers, why are you so worked up?"

He said with a scoff, kicking at another flower that had overgrown onto the path. That was the final straw for me.

I pushed him, knocking him into the bed of flowers and watched with a satisfied smirk as I watched him sink into the ground, the flowers curling around him and biting into his skin. He looked up at me with horror, trying to grab by suit jacket as a way to stay grounded. I just laughed and swatted his hand away

"ah ah ah, I would help but, the thing is, these 'shitty flowers' do need to be fed"

I said mockingly as the flowers finally snaked over him, no trace of him left aside from the red splatters on the flowers


me rembering that I made this thread

( < inspo)

Holy fuck ive been procrastinating this. Anyway, now that I am running on random 4am energy and an unhealthy amount, may I present to you…

4. What The Rain Knowns

Every night, for as long as I can remember, it has rained. No matter the time of day, no matter the season, no matter the severity, it has rained. It used to be soothing, falling down in a strange, pattern like motion,

I used to spend nights with my eyes closed, trying to remember what the rain used to feel like on my skin, or what anything on the outside felt like.

Mummy said we couldn't go back outside though, it was too dangerous outside - that's why only she could leave, she was stronger, and we needed the food.

But just in case something went wrong, she sat down with me one afternoon, and taught me Morse code. If something ever happened to her, she would send the signal for me to prepare.

I caught on pretty quick, but I could never listen to the rain the same way again, because every time I listened, I swear I could hear it tapping out the same sentence over and over again.

"Run From Her"
'.-. ..- -. / ..-. .-. — – / …. . .-.'


Wow I haven't been on here in a long ass time…anyway!

I've deleted Wattpad, got bored of it tbh, so I'm moving my story here!

For those of you who dont know, i am currently writing a book about my oc's; Lacerate

So, here's the first 3 chapters!



Angelrock Woods, 13 years ago

It hurt, the feeling of having sharp, inhuman crystals ripping through the flesh of your skin.

Vyomia would know, it was after all the last memory she had of being a human.

It wasn't the only memory she had though. If she thought really hard she could almost grasp the look of grass after it rained, or the faint silhouette of her parents, her mother sobbing and repeating apologies over and over. She couldn't remember her fathers face, but she knew he held a solemn gaze as he held her down against the harsh stone slab, arm raised high with his fingers clenching an almost pure white dagger, bringing it down and-

"Hey, c'mon! don- don't do…whatever you're doing. You said you could help me, please, you cant take that back now!"

The young prince pleaded, his fingers reaching out to shake her shoulder before pulling it back behind his back. That caused her to snap out of whatever she was spiralling into, and she offered him a fake, but reassuring smile.

"Of course i can help you, dear prince. Its just… you understand what it will take, correct?"

She said with practised ease. This was great. If she managed to convince him to agree to the Voids terms, she'd definitely secure a more higher up position to The Watcher, her saviour, the one who gave her purpose.

"Yes i understand i understand!"

He muttered frantically, extending a hand. She took it, shaking it, her hands unnaturally cold and firm, like a corpse.

"Then, Prince Calum. We have ourselves a deal"


Chapter One - Peace Treaties:

Wanless Castle, Present Day


Calum was absolutely, utterly screwed.

"This really does not seem like the right choice,"

He said firmly, running a hand through his hair, his gaze flickering to the crown on his desk, then to the peace treaty beside it.

"The Mushroom Kingdom has been nothing but kind to us, they pose zero threat to my kingdom- I jus- I just dont see why we have to expand our borders into their territory. Thanks to your decisions we've already almost eradicated their population!"

He exclaimed, throwing his hands above his head, his jaw tense as he looked at the voidling standing on the other side of his desk. Vyomia tilted her head, the action seeming a bit too smooth.

"Are you questioning my abilities?"

She murmured, her voice almost too calm despite the severity of the situation. Calum glanced away, the fight in his eyes giving way to an almost defeated and weak look.

"No, I'm not, I'm sorry. I am questioning whether or not this is the right option"

He stated tiredly, his hands resting against his edge of the table.

"It doesn't matter whether its right or not, I dont have time to discuss morals. Either way, I'm just upholding my end of the bargain."

Vyomia said, her tone unbothered and neutral as ever. In one swift motion, she picked the peace treaty up between her fingers. In an instant, the entire sheet was pierced with sharp, rough crystals. She let it fall to the floor, the small clink echoing throughout the room.

"The Mushroom kingdom is simply a pawn in this plan, and so are you Calum."


Chapter Two - Peace Treaties:

Mushroom Official Meeting Ground, Present Day

Calum stared into the corner of the desk, fiddling with the sleeve of his too tight dress shirt as if It'd magically teleport him back to his castle if he focused on it enough.
Never mind, he snapped his gaze back to the mushroom hybrid when her shrill annoying voice echoed throughout the inside of the massive hollowed out tree (a pathetic excuse for a meeting ground, but who was he to judge)

"You see, our kingdoms have lived peacefully alongside each other for like, hundreds of years! There is barely any beneficial effect on your kingdom by doing this, not to mention the fact you're actively erasing our species!"

The mushroom representative, Autumn, said with a tone of panic in her voice she didn't bother to mask, I mean, can he blame her? Calum leaned forward, a lingering sense of guilt eating away at his stomach. God, he'd kill the voidling for making him do this.

"I get that, Autumn, but you see; my kingdom has greater plans for this world. You haven't been doing anything to benefit this corner of the world for decades."

He said, the practised words leaving a bitter taste as they left his mouth. God, he couldn't do this. He began to get up from his chair, avoiding eye contact. He couldn't do this any longer, he'd stated the case Vyomia told him to, and he didnt want to be here any longer than he had to

"Excuse me? You can't just leave! I have a plethora of things that still need to be addressed-"

He winced at her voice internally, he didn't know if he could handle the high pitched screaming she'd been doing every five seconds. He made a mental note to get the chef to cook up some tea for him later, maybe that'd make him feel better.

"I know Autumn, and i'm sorry"

He said solemnly, already almost out the door.

"I truly am sorry"

He murmured after, almost like an afterthought as he left Autumn in the room alone, the door shutting behind him with a barely audible click


Yippee we got through that! Feedback is welcome, just dont be mean lmao. Bye for now!