forum Elder Gods chat for Notebook?
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Hey golden oldies. If I started a business, would anyone be interested in joining? Currently I have had an amazing idea, but I need a little more real life experience and some more classes to know what I'm doing. But I'm going to gauge interest, so when I actually do this, I will legit come to Notebook here and offer jobs. Now you might be wondering, oh Win, what's your idea? Here's my idea.
I'm going to start an animation company, and do the stories that Disney won't touch. Like traditional folklore, from countries all around the world. From Korea to Ireland, what Disney says won't work, I'll make work.
Anyone interested?

This sounds incredible and I wish you luck in your endeavors. I have none of the relevant skills you'd be looking for, personally, but there are so many talented people here (which you know of course) I have no doubts you could get this off the ground with the Olds.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hey golden oldies. If I started a business, would anyone be interested in joining? Currently I have had an amazing idea, but I need a little more real life experience and some more classes to know what I'm doing. But I'm going to gauge interest, so when I actually do this, I will legit come to Notebook here and offer jobs. Now you might be wondering, oh Win, what's your idea? Here's my idea.
I'm going to start an animation company, and do the stories that Disney won't touch. Like traditional folklore, from countries all around the world. From Korea to Ireland, what Disney says won't work, I'll make work.
Anyone interested?

This sounds incredible and I wish you luck in your endeavors. I have none of the relevant skills you'd be looking for, personally, but there are so many talented people here (which you know of course) I have no doubts you could get this off the ground with the Olds.

Who says you don't have the skills? Imma need people in finance. Psychology and sociology. Story tellers. Counselors and Personal relation people. Mental health professionals. Accountants and Advertising. Along with the everyone who I need for animation and story boarding and writing, and so many artists that I will go silly from all of them. A whole legal team. Just in case big daddy Disney wants to tango. Along with cultural professionals who can tell me about their culture and how I can turn their stories into movies.

@RhysTheFirebird group

(> I wouldn't call us "great")
(> Maybe just "old" and "slightly psychotic")
(> And probably "needs to take their meds")
(Not to but in here, cause I know this is y’all’s chat. . . But if y’all do decide to change it because of us ‘younglings’ you could try ‘Olides-but-goodies’?)
(Bye now)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Hey golden oldies. If I started a business, would anyone be interested in joining? Currently I have had an amazing idea, but I need a little more real life experience and some more classes to know what I'm doing. But I'm going to gauge interest, so when I actually do this, I will legit come to Notebook here and offer jobs. Now you might be wondering, oh Win, what's your idea? Here's my idea.
I'm going to start an animation company, and do the stories that Disney won't touch. Like traditional folklore, from countries all around the world. From Korea to Ireland, what Disney says won't work, I'll make work.
Anyone interested?

I can assist in several different aspects in writing, editing, event planning, and advertising. I can also become the company dietitian if that role needs filling in the future. I would recommend talking to Kinarymo in discord if you need to find artists

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'm going to get this out there, so anyone interested can make a decision about potentially committing to this later on in life. If this ever actually becomes a reality. I need to state it before it gets past just the idea stage. I've always seen myself as Christian, and it's my religion, it means a lot to me. Christianity has had it's ups and downs, like every religion. I would like to have some principles that are associated with Christianity. Like loving everyone, being bold and courageous, and not letting pride get in the way. As well as finding and gaining mentors. As Christians, we are called to love. Loving yourself and loving your neighbor, etc. And if people absolutely demoralize you on what you are or who you love, that isn't really Christianity is it? To me, It doesn't matter. If you're part of the LGBTQ+ community come on in. I base a person on their character and skill and talent, not who they love. Who am I to judge? God? I will say this though. And I stand by this. I do think organizations in the LGBTQ+ community are corrupt and gain money off of people's struggles. Like most organizations do. I don't support a lot of organizations because of this. So I say this. I don't support the organization, I support the person. I adore all of you guys here. I will support you in any way that I can. If in the future, I can provide a way for you guys to succeed in your dreams and endeavors in life, by the stars above, here's the application, be the first in line. This world needs people who will work together for the benefit of others. Why not us? Who else is going to do it? If anything I just stated really makes you go, nah I'm out, there's no hard feelings. I respect your opinion. You matter to me, so it matters to me. If you want to ask me more questions, go for it. We're all adults here. We can hold civil conversations. Or if you prefer, PM me and tell me if something I said made you upset. This message is in no way meant to harm anyone. If you get that vibe, tell me please. I will apologize. I just want this out there, way way way out in the future, because I intend to full commit to this. This is something that I feel like could really work you know? And if I can potentially get the help from people who I know are some of the most creative people around, I would feel like I've won the lottery.