forum Dysphoria Chat
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

Hi, welcome to the dysphoria chat where i am most likely going to be bymyself

Deleted user

i am biologically female but am gendefluid. so great shit comes, including mah period wich is about to start.
Im having one of my guy days and i laugh and its just this ungodly high pitched giggle, it was terrible

Deleted user

So, im in drama
drama has 3 singing sections
sopranos, altos and the guys
for some fucking reason im in sopranos,so my guy days suck in drama

Deleted user

yeah, and all the guys make me feel so girly cause they just sing so goddamn low

Deleted user

tru and I just realized that all the guys in my choir class sing very high

Deleted user

they all sound super low then theres this one guy who sings higher then us