forum Dumb Pointless Stories We Have
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

If any of you have stories from your real lives, that are a bit silly, please tell me!
For example, one time I drew a character with her hair covering her eye, except the eye showed through the hair. A friend of mine walked up to me and asked me why I drew her that way and my only response was 'she is a psychic emo'.


once i dropped my phone between me and my cousin's seat in the movie theater. after freaking out about it, shining a flashlight everywhere, and almost getting my hand stuck for half the movie, we realize we can simply…reach under the chair…and get the phone… lol


Me and my friend have a joke that I cannot be left alone too long, because I have a crafting problem, like makes-jean-jacket-without-pattern-and-wears-it-to-school-the-next-day problem. I'll come up to her at school and say I was left alone too long again and she'll go what did you do? This has led to t-shirt jackets, paintings, and a Red Queen bandana for meeting an author.


Once we were analysing Star Wars at school. And afterwards was a maths test.
So I was trying to work algebra while Imperial March was playing in my head…
I still did pretty well though