forum Dreams.
Started by @Sammy H.

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@Sammy H.

Dreams are weird and or terrifying.
Plus the fact we can’t remember half of them makes them fascinating.
Feel free to share your experiences in dreams that have been rather weird.
(No sexual content please.)


i had a really weird dream last night…only problem is that i can't remember it for the life of me. i just know that it was crazy weird and also there was something red in it.


Once I had a dream where Rylo Ren was in my class…
He was wearing a black and white checkered shirt…
It was…incredibly weird

@Sammy H.

Gonna use the dream that I vividly remember because it Casually traumatized me and is also why I have a fear of guns and heights.

Was standing on top of a skyscraper for some unknown reason, and for some reason some guy (don’t remember the face.) walks up to me and points a pistol at me.
He then shoots me and I tumble backwards off the skyscraper. It felt like I actually got shot. (I have been shot before, it’s not fun.) Then I slowly tumbled over to the side to just see the pavement. My perspective was suddenly then yanked to a person on the street and I watched my body turn into a blood splatter.
smacks lips.
Yea that’s about it.


In one dream, that I had recently, this deadly one-foot flood swept through our neighborhood so I and my family took these old style boats (that were musical instrument, for some reason) down the street until we reached a large boulder. The flood disappeared and this crazy anime lady with a deadly marble gun came out and started shooting at us. My family thought I was a villain so they pushed me off the boulder and there I was hit by the marbles and then stabbed through the chest. Now as a specter I watched as they went back home and met The Incredibles, just the mom and the son. I came back to life, suddenly as a 19-year-old girl with 2 boyfriends, one Korean hot teen that hated our toilet and the creepy teen boy that kept on kissing me… And then it ended… After I pushed the creepy boyfriend into the deadly one foot flood.


I had a creepy dream last night…The setting was wild, and I wasn't as aware as I usually am in dreams…I was arguing with a friend, and she was like so perfectly in character it's scary