forum Dream Careers
Started by @Crisis

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I have a little seven year old bestie too! She's kind of small for her age so when I hug her I just basically pick her up and walk around with a little seven year old, with her hands wrapped around my neck and her feet like…….a foot off the ground. It's hilarious.

@Becfromthedead group

@writelikeyourerunningoutoftime I'm about to go into college as a pre-med student, too! I'm starting out on a chemistry track instead of biology, but it's really cool to find someone with similar goals to mine on this site.

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I applaud both of you because you both have the courage to do what others are afraid of doing and well Bio And chemistry are hard for me…..

@Becfromthedead group

There’s never really been much of a question for me. I’ve wanted to be in the sciences since I was three or four years old. Besides, I have to break the mold somehow. Virtually all of the women in my family are teachers, and I want to be the one to change that.


I actually wanted to be something artsy like a writer, or an artist, or an actress until tenth grade. Then I took a chemistry class and realized that science was definitely what I was passionate about. But I've been called "Doctor Sarah" since I was like nine.

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I'm probably going to be a digital art designer. Designing website, drawing pics, and animating seems to be my calling. (^_^)

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(totally not for just watching anime for fun. I am very studious!)


I dont know what i want to do with my life but ill figure it out, i thought about psychology though, i dont think Ill end up doing that though, i like a lot of stuff like photography and art but i dont think i can make a career out of it

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I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to be an actor. I've been in manny stage performances ('bout 7?) and a car ad and still waiting for the cast list of a short flim to come out. :)

I wanted to be a gymnast, actor, or circus performer as a kid. But my mom said you had to be born into those rings.
So know, I'm aiming to being a movie director and conceptual artist.

I'm here to be your main character! XD

@Becfromthedead group

I dont know what i want to do with my life but ill figure it out, i thought about psychology though, i dont think Ill end up doing that though, i like a lot of stuff like photography and art but i dont think i can make a career out of it

Well, hey, you've got time! But also, if you go into graphic design/communications, I'm sure you could get a steady job if you want to go an art route. I also have a friend whose sister draws diagrams for science textbooks and such. There's a lot more out there than you think.