forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@Morals-are-for-mortals language

me who just has playlists of each specific artist and then I shuffle all of em together
I never know
I never know what’s going to play next

OK, but do you ever put a playlist on shuffle and then just skip to the song that you actually wanna listen to instead of just putting the song on

Yes lmao-


me who just has playlists of each specific artist and then I shuffle all of em together
I never know
I never know what’s going to play next

OK, but do you ever put a playlist on shuffle and then just skip to the song that you actually wanna listen to instead of just putting the song on

All. The. Time.

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Hey, anyone want to do an RP?
I’m Hella bored

I have an rp Idea that I’ve been procrastinating but it’s also pretty specific to my universe- so 🤷

I have precisely zero ideas
Kind of miss that one that stubs started though that was cool

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Hey, anyone want to do an RP?
I’m Hella bored

I have an rp Idea that I’ve been procrastinating but it’s also pretty specific to my universe- so 🤷

I have precisely zero ideas
Kind of miss that one that stubs started though that was cool

Oh yeah. That was fun for how long it lasted

@im-with-stoopid pets

Hey, anyone want to do an RP?
I’m Hella bored

I have an rp Idea that I’ve been procrastinating but it’s also pretty specific to my universe- so 🤷

I have precisely zero ideas
Kind of miss that one that stubs started though that was cool

Oh yeah. That was fun for how long it lasted

shhh shut up
yes it was very cool, but I forgot what I had in mind for it, so im braining alright

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Hey, anyone want to do an RP?
I’m Hella bored

I have an rp Idea that I’ve been procrastinating but it’s also pretty specific to my universe- so 🤷

I have precisely zero ideas
Kind of miss that one that stubs started though that was cool

Oh yeah. That was fun for how long it lasted

shhh shut up
yes it was very cool, but I forgot what I had in mind for it, so im braining alright


@Morals-are-for-mortals language

All of my rps die and so I need to c o n s u m e

Are you in Pandora’s that she just started? I don’t remember and I can’t find the thread.

Nah, I’m not. I was interested in joining but right when I said I was Pandora closed it 😂 so I’m a stalker
Also if you need to find it go to pandora’s profile and then go to the discussions she’s made

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

All of my rps die and so I need to c o n s u m e

Are you in Pandora’s that she just started? I don’t remember and I can’t find the thread.

Nah, I’m not. I was interested in joining but right when I said I was Pandora closed it 😂 so I’m a stalker
Also if you need to find it go to pandora’s profile and then go to the discussions she’s made

Ohhhh that’s actually so smart I’d dumb lol

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

All of my rps die and so I need to c o n s u m e

Bro same. Okay like half of them have.
(I'm so bad at responding in a timely manner oop-)

I’m great at writing responses until the ADHD kicks in and the procrastination starts while the dopamine from continuing the rp slowly fades 😔


Bro same. Okay like half of them have.

suddenly reminded i have responses to write

I've got so many I need to respond too
(At least they're all from like yesterday instead of a week ago)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

So saying that if anyone’s interested in participating in a reboot of an rp I made a while ago that died very quickly- /hj

Ooh what’s the gist!

Mmmm let’s see-
Your character (Character A) prison breaks a severely traumatized and injured character B from a palace and then essentially just see where it goes from there. (Oof ouch the infodump urges)
At the time of creating this I wanted something that could go in multiple directions but personally I leaned towards some good old hurt/comfort. And it’s also set in my own universe so it has a lot of Information lol-

@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

So saying that if anyone’s interested in participating in a reboot of an rp I made a while ago that died very quickly- /hj

Ooh what’s the gist!

Mmmm let’s see-
Your character (Character A) prison breaks a severely traumatized and injured character B from a palace and then essentially just see where it goes from there. (Oof ouch the infodump urges)
At the time of creating this I wanted something that could go in multiple directions but personally I leaned towards some good old hurt/comfort. And it’s also set in my own universe so it has a lot of Information lol-

Ahh gotcha

@spacebluelily language

All of my rps die and so I need to c o n s u m e

Are you in Pandora’s that she just started? I don’t remember and I can’t find the thread.

Nah, I’m not. I was interested in joining but right when I said I was Pandora closed it 😂 so I’m a stalker
Also if you need to find it go to pandora’s profile and then go to the discussions she’s made

If Vitae or Axolotl don't reply, like at all,, then you can join if you'd like
(Also fun fact when I said.Gabs and Co I was welcoming you and Gabs to the RP and fhshwjaj)

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

All of my rps die and so I need to c o n s u m e

Are you in Pandora’s that she just started? I don’t remember and I can’t find the thread.

Nah, I’m not. I was interested in joining but right when I said I was Pandora closed it 😂 so I’m a stalker
Also if you need to find it go to pandora’s profile and then go to the discussions she’s made

If Vitae or Axolotl don't reply, like at all,, then you can join if you'd like
(Also fun fact when I said.Gabs and Co I was welcoming you and Gabs to the RP and fhshwjaj)

I did not see that