Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Connie glance at the crazy people. We need to concentrate, why are they being so…?

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"We're-" She shot an oncoming gypsy. "Still fighting!"

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Connie backed up and shot while following. "I'm going to effing laugh if one of you gets hurt." She groaned at the crazy people she was going to get pizza with.


Echo screamed with happiness and fed all the guinea pigs so that they all swarmed around her.

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Connie glanced at the guinea pigs. "Can we still get pizza?"


"Pizza sounds good right about now." Rory said. She screeched as guinea pig ran over her foot. "Are they friendly?" she asked shakily.

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"Hey!" Connie protested. She pushed past Sly. "A sausage and black olive pizza please," She thought for a moment. "To go." She added.