Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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"Atlantis~ Under the sea, under the se-eeaa~." Connie sang.


Midnight tried to use her wings, but for some weird reason they served no use. For no matter how hard she flapped her wings, she kept falling.

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Connie flopped on the ground with a thud. "I'm fade-d!" She screeched.


Rory landed on her but, and grunted something about the last void she had been stuck in having better service.

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"That's great." Connie mumbled. "Am i the only human here?"

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"Of course! Gypsies." She grabbed her notebook and scratched down some words. A bow and a quiver full of arrows appeared in her hands.

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Connie glared at Echo. "What drugs are you on?" She threw the quiver over her shoulder and had her bow trained at the ground.