forum Does this work tho
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people_alt 34 followers

Deleted user

@"Moxie the Rain Godess"

Did this work?

Did I mention you?

And you got a notification???

Deleted user


I don't understand at all how this feature works

How did you find this thread?

@Moxie group

I was just looking through general chat and the name caught my attention
I secretly stalk a lot of general chat threads

Deleted user


Well that's cool to know. So if I took the -s out of my name, people would be able to @mention me and I'd see it?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I… think so. The forums are developed by another group and we have a far more lax policy on usernames than they recommend (e.g. allowing spaces and symbols), so I'm still figuring out what works and what doesn't (especially since the forums are still in development and frequently changing/improving).

Are you getting notifications (and/or auto-following threads) when you're mentioned currently? If not, I'd first suggest it's because of the ™ in your name, but if that's not the culprit it might also be the - (but I'd think the latter should be fine, honestly). Sorry I don't have a solid answer on that – I have a bunch of code in progress standardizing usernames and working on this logic, so it's hopefully going to improve soon but is still in flux pending what the forum developers do.

Deleted user

I'm not getting those notifications, mainly because no one often @mentions me. If they do, my name's usually in the title or it's a planned O/O.

It's okay that you don't have a solid answer yet! I totally understand. I was just curious ^-^

@Moxie group

In the other thread that I was mentioned in I read it and then started getting notifications for it after that so maybe that has something to do with it? (I have no actual idea, I’m just trying to brainstorm the randomness of this). The only other thing I can think of is that other people commented on that thread?