forum Does anyone write in the supernatural genre?
Started by shurikenwolfbadass_13

people_alt 13 followers


I'm writing a book about a series of events that revolve around a certain group of characters. In this book, therianthropess, vampires, witches, angels, demons, djinn, tengu, ghosts, and lots of other things, exist, and they are surprisingly more common than you'd think although not nearly as populous as humans. The main forces at work include some of the political, economic, and social leaders in the town that the story takes place in, as well as the town's sabbath of witches, it's vampiric society, and it's therianthropic society, and the angels and demons that come into play later. It's got a complex system, lucky for me I'm great at world building.


That book sounds like an amazing concept! I've only touched on the supernatural genre but I'm very interested in pursuing it and developing ideas that stray away from stereotype and cliche. Once you finish your universe can I see it? The different societies seem really interesting and I'd want to see how they all clash and form alliances/feuds


Well for the witches' sabbaths, it varies. In the main storyline we see a North American sabbath, they usually blend with modern times, and may rent out a warehouse or a secluded campsite for meetings. They all basically do what we do here. Bounce ideas off each other, debate, socialize, teach each other, except it's cooler, because magic is involved. Most members are female, with a few being male, there are more youngsters than old ones. The culture is modern, but very magic-based. They may work together for a common goal occasionally. At the head of the sabbath, there are two Factors, one male, one female, both study opposite fields of magic, are the most intelligent, skilled, and devoted ones in the grtoup, and both act as leaders, planners, improvisers, and are the moral center of the sabbath. Under them is a Board of Associates, three to each Factor, they act as attendants, servants, messengers, and spies for the leaders. Then there are divisions, consisting of three to five members, all focusing on their division's task. Be it intelligence/reconnaissance, education/skill, support, and group coordination. Stragglers wander in and out, but receive no benefits except for a boost in their reputation depending on the group, and maybe some better connections. Ranks are earned,but the founder of the sabbath is usually a Factor.


That is really well thought out! It actually sounds really really cool. is the magic just, general magic, or are there sub-categories like Dark magic, celestial magic, nether magic and such?


There are low, mid, and high tiers of magic. Low and mid can be used through mastery over nature and one's soul, or by making deals with angels, demons, djinn, and tengus. High tier requires rituals and has no category, just some spells. It goes like this.

Fire magic=Can create fire, can control the temperature, density, explosiveness, and direction of fire, even making it defy physics, can destroy fire, can absorb fire, and can cause small explosions.
Water magic=Can create water, can control the temperature, density, and direction of water, even making it defy physics, can change water's state of master, can destroy water.
Earth magic=Can control the density of earth and change it's shape, possesses some magnetic power.
Air magic=Can control the temperature, force, velocity, and density of wind, even making it defy physics, can move things with the mind and fly.
Mental magic=Mind-reading, telepathy, mind-control, mind wipe/heal/transfer/distort, precognition, postcognition.
Body magic=Some biokinesis, very little shape shifting.

Light=Can perform miracles, some biokinesis, telepathy, mind-reading, mind wiping/healing/transfer, photokinesis
Dark magic=Can perform curses, some biokinesis, telepathy, mind-reading, telepathy mind wiping/healing/distortion, umbrakinesis.


Aha! I see how it works. Hey, do you mind if I use a similar concept? Not the tiers as they are, more like levels or the strength/energy one uses to make a spell determines how strong the effect of the spell is, as well as the types of magic one is able to do with said strength/energy. I have a character, who is a mage, and uses a spellbook to, well, cast spells. I'd be glad if you let me use something similar to what you came up with for that character and their mystokinesis, fellow writer. :)