forum Does anyone listen to The Adventure Zone?
Started by @alanye

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If you don't give it a try. If you do, let's talk. Who's your favorite character? Favorite arc? Favorite scenes and quotes? Did you cry during Griffin's monologue about love? Because I sure did. Have you cried because the characters are so great? Because I sure have.

Let's talk.


What is The Adventure Zone? I'm intrigued

Okay, so do you know the McElroy brothers? They do the podcast called My Brother, My Brother, and Me and two of them do a series on YouTube called Monster Factory. The Adventure Zone is a Dungeons n Dragons campaign podcast the three of them do with their father. It's kind of just a goof at the beginning, they don't take it seriously, but it's still funny as hell. Later, they start to take it more seriously and they actually tell a story that gets VERY good. Very diverse, canon LGBT+ characters and several competent women, and the skin color/races of the characters can never be confirmed, so there is lots of awesome fanart that's usually very inclusive. Good, quality jokes. And the best thing about it is you don't have to know a single thing about DnD to listen. I seriously recommend trying it; even if you don't like it, the brothers have a bunch of other content you can check out, which I highly suggest. Their humor is new and never gets offensive. They're great, PLEASE try it!!


Oh wow. You were v prepared for this question. I will give it a listen…..eventually. When I regain motivation lol : D


There's also very good music that the DM creates himself. Sorry, I know I gave a lengthy explanation, but it's really hard to get someone into a podcast if they've never listened to one. At least in my experience. Also, I have a lot of room in my heart for this podcast.


It's okay lol, I've listened to a few podcasts
I will try it out (again, when I have motivation to actually do stuff)