forum Does anybody know good names for an Owl, a Snake, a Lizard, a Scorpion, an Arctic wolf, a Polar Bear, a Seal and a Bison? Don't ask. It's for my story.
Started by @Infinite

people_alt 3 followers


Usually when I name a snake, I go off of it's type. Like Cobra, Boa, Viper, Elapidae. Owl names can be the same way, Asio, Strix, Athene, Ural.
Lizard names, Gala(Galapagos), Carolina(Anole), Camilla (Chameleon), Komodo(Dragon), Devira(Horned Lizard name I just made up ha)
Scorpions-Arizona, Octnus(paruoctonus),Sonora(sand scorpion), Yira(Yellow scorpion).
Arctic Wolf names I like are Winter, Alaska, North, Crystal, Neve, Ivy, Alba.
I've never named a polar bear but if I did I'd name it Atlas or Nova.
I have no idea what you'd name a seal.
Bison names could be Clover, Denver, Navin, Verdi (I just google Spring Baby names)
Figuring out names is honestly really fun for me because I like to research different languages and meanings for names that could represent characters. I hope this helps!


You could name the scorpion something like Sedona, Predator(pred for short), Kalahari, or Sahara. Iā€™m basing a lot of these names off of actual places.


I already have 5 characters, Shadow the wolf, Arrow the deer, Beast the Bear, Amber the fox, and Star the eagle


So their on a quest to stop the thieves, outlaws and assassins from destroying their forest, and then they separate into tribes of their animals;
The wolf Tribe, The Fox tribe, the eagle tribe, e.t.c, while facing many deaths, being captured, and pain. The other animals were for the other two books:
Sand and Ice. The one with the wolf, the fox, the deer, the bear and the eagle is the first one, which is called Forest.


Oooo I like it, I wrote a story about something similar where there was a country divided into different animal kingdoms led by animal/human hybrids. The story was about a girl named Aina who had to travel through each kingdom to unite them to defeat one villain who threatened all life. It was titled Aina's Eyes because she could see colored auras and each kingdom had its own color. I never finished writing it, doubt I ever will. But I wish you good luck.


So their on a quest to stop the thieves, outlaws and assassins from destroying their forest, and then they separate into tribes of their animals;
The wolf Tribe, The Fox tribe, the eagle tribe, e.t.c, while facing many deaths, being captured, and pain. The other animals were for the other two books:
Sand and Ice. The one with the wolf, the fox, the deer, the bear and the eagle is the first one, which is called Forest.

Sounds awesome!


Ha Ha thanks, I couldn't finish it though. I threw away all traces of it, once I give up on a piece I know I'll never return to it so I dump it.