forum Do you have your own blog or website were people can read your stories?
Started by @M.W.Poel

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Hello everyone!
Reading all the forums and ideas on this site is fascinating to say the least. There are elaborated characters, detailed universes and a lot of inspiring people with great tips.
All this leaves me with the desire to actually read what others came up with. Which leads me to my question. Do you have your own blog or website dedicated to whatever it is your writing where interested people can read your work(process)?
Or are you interested in doing so but just don't know how to start?

Also, is this the right forum or should I put it somewhere else?

@Riorlyne pets

I am trying to start a blog as a way of ‘putting myself out there’ because I basically lack self-confidence and a big thing publishers look for when considering manuscripts is how many people are likely to be interested in and want to buy the story, so having some kind of exposure is a good thing. I have the web address created and everything, but I really don’t know what to blog on it.

I can talk for hours about my imaginary world and the characters and stories therein if someone’s interested and asking questions, but it’s really hard to know where to start if I’m trying to attract an audience. I struggle enough with just creating ‘please give feedback on this character’ threads, worried that no one will be interested in what so deeply interests me.

So to answer your question, yes, I have a blog, and yes, I want it to be about the world I’m writing, and yes, I would absolutely love for people to read it - but I have no idea where to start.


So to answer your question, yes, I have a blog, and yes, I want it to be about the world I’m writing, and yes, I would absolutely love for people to read it - but I have no idea where to start.

I had this when I first started too. It helps when you stop worrying about what other people would want to read and just start posting whatever you want. You don't have to start out perfect. My own blog is currently full of short stories and is slowly developing a D&D nerd-side to. There aren't many people who read it though, I'm terrible at promoting things.

Also, I see a lot of your tips floating by on the forums and they're usually very good. Maybe you can do a little something with that?

If you're interested, this is my own Blog:

@Riorlyne pets

Also, I see a lot of your tips floating by on the forums and they're usually very good. Maybe you can do a little something with that?

Thank you! I had thought about having a how-to-write or grammar-tips angle with my blog, but there are honestly so many of them out there I feel like I wouldn't be adding anything useful to the blogosphere. If you don't mind my asking, what sorts of things would you hope to find on a writer's blog? Excerpts of their current WIP? Thoughts about writing?

If you're interested, this is my own Blog:

That's cool that you've already written so much on there! (And that you do your own pictures.) I've only played DnD once - I was really looking forward to it but it was with a bunch of (rather rough) guys and all they wanted to do with the plot was attack everything in sight. I thought there was going to be some story involved. :P

If you're interested, I would be happy to share the link to my barely-existent blog (but via private message because it's linked to my real name).


If you don't mind my asking, what sorts of things would you hope to find on a writer's blog? Excerpts of their current WIP? Thoughts about writing?

The most trouble I have with writing is to not make it too complicated. It often happens that I come up with something and forget to explain what exactly is going on. I have a friend test read nearly everything to keep myself from making that mistake. Personally, I would be interested in something that helps me give structure to my story and avoid mistakes that make it harder for others to read.
I also don't actually know how to properly write dialogue. :/

I've only played DnD once - I was really looking forward to it but it was with a bunch of (rather rough) guys and all they wanted to do with the plot was attack everything in sight. I thought there was going to be some story involved. :P

Ah, yes. Those were murder hobos. It is fun as long as everyone just wants to kill stuff. If you would still like to play again I'd advice you to play with friends and avoid dungeon crawl groups for the time being. A group with both men and women probably helps as well.

If you're interested, I would be happy to share the link to my barely-existent blog (but via private message because it's linked to my real name).

Go ahead, that's why I asked about it in the first place.

@Riorlyne pets

Personally, I would be interested in something that helps me give structure to my story and avoid mistakes that make it harder for others to read.
I also don't actually know how to properly write dialogue. :/

Thanks for your thoughts. It's actually easier to think about what I might put on my blog now that there's actually a real possibility that at least someone (you) might see it.

Go ahead, that's why I asked about it in the first place.

Thank you! I'll send you a link via PM.


I was planning to have written at least the first book before I make a website or anything. All I have right now is one short story


I was planning to have written at least the first book before I make a website or anything. All I have right now is one short story

If you do start a blog in the future pay attention to who has the rights to its content. Some 'helpful' companies out there state that whatever you post is theirs. This means they can do with it what they want and there's nothing you can do about it.
Also, writing a book is a great goal. Do you wish to have it published at some point too?


That's the plan. But like most plans, it must involve money. That's why I was wondering if I should just put it on deviantart or something. But then, people could steal it.


But like most plans, it must involve money.

Depends on your goal really. I've done extensive research before deciding on a medium for my blog.

If you just want a blog to get your stories out there for fun like me, Google's Blogspot is fine. you won't have the prettiest blog in all the world but it is free and you have full rights to your content.
If your goal is to promote yourself, however, it might indeed be a good idea to consider Wordpress which is one of the more professional and reliable options. you keep the rights but it's more professional image comes at a small fee.
Twitter is also an option that comes up a lot (not sure why) but it doesn't offer a sensible platform for things like entire stories.

That's what I still remember from months of research. Maybe I should have written it down somewhere.

I know you weren't actually asking for it but I hope it helps a little to realize your goal.


I know you weren't actually asking for it but I hope it helps a little to realize your goal.

Actually, that helps a good deal. Thanks! I wrote one short story so far, but I'm not really in it for the money, I just want people to read my stories and like it without fear of thievery.


It's usually somewhere in the terms of service if you want to do a little more research yourself. I get the versions for the Netherlands so it might vary. If there's nothing in their service-thingy or privacy statement, don't do it.

@Riorlyne pets

I use the free version of Wordpress at the moment. It has ads, but I'm willing to bear with that for the ability to post things for free.

@Starfast group

I have a tumblr that I set up for writing. I haven't posted any actual writing for quite a while, but I'm currently working on rewriting one of my stories so I'm hoping to have that up soonish. Right now, it's mostly just a lot of my art plus some art and writing tips that I've reblogged from other people.

If you want to check it out it's here
All my writing is under the "my writing" tab. You're welcome to check it out, just keep in mind that both stories are 1. very outdated, and 2. largely unedited.


Oh wow, you're writing entire books on there. I don't really have the time to currently read them but the short story is very well written.
Also, while rewriting and editing, ask friends to read what you have and ask them wat was unclear. they often notice mistakes you never did.