forum Do not pay attention to this, the roleplay failed.
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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First two people get a permanent spot on my RP list.

It'll be a Christian summer camp one-on-one in private messaging (unless you prefer it being on the forums, please state which) I'll explain everything when we have a WINNER!



(Ok, here's what I did for my other summer camp RP)
Have two characters, one boy and one girl
This is a modern camp, with faucilities. I am basing my RP off of this camp in PA
If you have a mean character, have a nice one to balance it out. If you have a shy character, have a not-shy one. You may have two nice characters and two not-shy ones.

That's about all. Oh, and here's the character template:


Our girl characters will both be in the same cabin, and same with the boys.
Try to range the age around 12-15.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


So the web isn't loading for me. But I do have a question to clear things up a bit (cuz I'm dense as heck sometimes) do we have to have 4 characters? Or is it just highly encouraged?


Name: Emily Deen
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin.
Attire: jeans, any kinda T-shirt
Personality: head strong, difficult to reason with once she has her mind set on something. Likes to be alone sometimes.
Hobbies: running, walking, drawing.
Other: her family died in a car crash when she was little so she lives with her grandpa.
Name: Lucas wills
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: stright
Appearance: long ish dark hair usually pulled into a small pony, blue eyes, pale
Attire: shorts, hiking boots, plain colored T-shirts.
Personality: shy as freaking heck. Pretty much the opposite of Emily
Hobbies: drawing, playing with animals.


Alright! Lemme just do my peeps…

Light brown hair with a hint (just a hint) of strawberry blonde hidden in there. He stands at 5 foot 2 and freckles in the sun. He has pink cheeks and an amazing smile. Today, he wears a pair of jean shorts and a solid emerald green t-shirt. His tennis shoes sport green stripes.
He is very shy and introverted, rarely talks to strangers, and has a habit of biting his lips when he gets anxious, but he has an amazing smile. He doesn't trust people easily. He has mild-to-moderate Asperger's.
Otis plays guitar and enjoys reading. Otis Hartford

Chocolate brown hair that goes down to her bottom. She prefers to draw and talk than play volleyball. She stands at 5 foot 2 also, and has braces and glasses. Today, she is wearing her favorite pair of jean shorts, along with her oversized navy blue Bob Ross t-shirt: has on blue Converse All Stars .Her camo hoodie is tied around her waist.
She has a happy,bubbly personality and is very social.She is a great singer,and plays the guitar. Nicole Genevieve Layton


Thank you! I love making character descriptions, and I use the same one for all of my roleplays. I'll start if you dont have any questions.

Annika and Otis hopped out of Annika's mom's car and went through the registration process. It came to picking their nametags. Oh dang, how will they prounounce it this time? Annika thought to herself. "Ok, here's Otis Hartford and Ann-ickuh,Ann-eeka, Ann-ie-kuh,um…here." Annika and Otis smiled at each other and walked on. They were greeted by a cheerful rotund woman who was gonna tell them their cabins. "Ok, Otis, you're in Cabin 3,England, and you,honey, are in Cabin 7, Hondoras." the woman said in a Southern accent. "AUSTIN! Take this young man to his cabin, and get Anna on your way out to take this young lady to hers." Austin smiled at Annika (they were cousins), and led Otis out. Annika's mom hugged her daughter and Anna led her to Hondoras.


Emily got out of the car ready for a fun week (moth? Entire life?) Of summer camp. She'd been looking forward to it since her grandpa told her she signed her up. alright. Lets make some friends she thought a big grin on her face. She went threw registration and was told her cabin number, then was led there by a leader.

Lucas on the other hand was not so excited, the night before he'd clung to his mother almost in tears, he didn't really want to be here. Stepping out of the car he headed to registration, "l-Lucas" he said his name and awaited his name tag shyly before also being taken to his cabin, it'll be fine. Its not even that long he reassured himself.


(all of summer :)

Annika walked into her cabin and took her bags. She wiped her sweat from the hot car on her camp T-shirt from the year before. She was greeted by her senior counselor, Jackie. "Hello, Annika! You can leave your bags over there. Nice to see you again!" Jackie said in her beautiful Asian accent. Annika went over and sat on her bed for the summer, and began unpacking. She sat her deodorant and lip balm, as well as a portable mirror, a hairbrush, clock, and mini plug-in fan on the shelf near her bottom bunk. A nice-looking girl walked in, and Annika's bunk was the only one left. "Hello Emily! Welcome to camp. I'm Jackie, your senoir counselor. The only bunk left is over there above Annika, the girl in the glasses." Jackie motioned towards Annika, who smiled. She shoved her guitar case under the bed.

Otis walked into his cabin. He smiled serenely at Benjamin, his counselor, whom he had last year. He picked a bed in the corner of the room and sat on the bottom bunk. He started unpacking. When he finished setting up his bed, he got out his red notebook and started writing. A shy-looking boy walked in, and Benjamin directed him to the bunk above or next to Otis, the only ones open.


Emily let a big grin cross her face, "hey!" She said in a joyful tone as she slung her back up on her bunk. "I'm Emily" she said her smile reaching every cornnor of her face. She seemed to radiate happiness. Emily looked around at the cabin, she didn't really know what she'd been expecting, but somehow this seemed better then what she'd have thought up.

Lucas put his stuff on the bunk next to Otis. "H-hi" he said looking at his feet. He started unpacking not really have brought much, he put a blanket on his bed and put the rest of his stuff under his bed not wanting to look around hoping no one would try to talk to him.

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(guys I just wanted to intervene and say that this is in the General Chat. so umm…)


(Totally chill dude)

Emily looked to Annika, "Ah no thanks I think I got it." She gave her a warm smile and finished unpacking pretty fast.

Lucas looked up half startled that someone actually said something to him.

(Ack sorry mine are also short)


“Alright!” Annika said, going to her bed to smooth out the sheets.

Otis noticed that Lucas was startled, so he looked down at his feet, slightly fidgeting. He sat down on his bed and picked up a notebook to start writing.