forum DND idea pool
Started by @RainbowTortoise

people_alt 3 followers


Hi I’m bored and like hearing what people’s ideas are like so are there any other DMs out there that wanna talk about their story lines?


I usually look up puzzles for toddlers and try killing off at least one person per campaign. One idea I had before was to make the character sheets for the players and for them to find out who and what they are through the campaign as it progresses.


I have a very long, overarching campaign that I've been working on for months, but my mot recent side-adventure that I though up is called The Merchant of Dreams.

So basically, A strange merchant arrives in town selling dreams. His business is very popular among the townsfolk. The only problem is that his customers are secretly taken captive in the Plane of Thought to be sacrifices to my main villains. What appear to be the customers are illusions cast by the Merchant (the spell is a more powerful form of Mislead). They are not seen outside of their own homes, except when they are at his shop. The only thing that leaves their lips are praises of this merchant and his wares.

My players will, at this point (hopefully), work for the city, so they will be asked to investigate this merchant, become looped into a purchase, and find themselves taken captive. Their job is to somehow free the prisoners and themselves before the merchant leaves town.