forum ✨ disability ✨
Started by @starry

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y'all i'm using my cane for the first time in my new school
PSA if someone is using a cane, don't touch their cane unless they give you permission bc i set my cane by the door of the classroom and this girl grabbed it, carried it to the front of the class asking whose it was
like don't do that? that's not yours. if you damage it, i'm kinda screwed. + you're buying me a new one.


i don't know if alopecia counts as a disability
but i can wear a hat in school
sometimes people ask me why and i say a medical condition
and they're like, "what medical condition?"

Deleted user

i don't know if alopecia counts as a disability
but i can wear a hat in school
sometimes people ask me why and i say a medical condition
and they're like, "what medical condition?"

My brother can relate sooooo much. His teachers say nothings wrong it’s just behavior. It’s noooottttt it’s his CP not behavior.

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people used to mess with my cane………all the time and i’m like i use that for navigation!!! i swear people were stupid at my previous school!!!!!

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out of all places it was a school for the blind !!!


i don't know if alopecia counts as a disability
but i can wear a hat in school
sometimes people ask me why and i say a medical condition
and they're like, "what medical condition?"

My brother can relate sooooo much. His teachers say nothings wrong it’s just behavior. It’s noooottttt it’s his CP not behavior.

your brother has alopecia??


my little brother has CP and developmental delays and literally all his classmates love him??? when he was in kindergarten this eighth grader invited him to his freaking birthday party
he's been kissed by at least 3 girls. he's in second grade.

@TeamMezzo group

so i'm on the autism spectrum and people like to tease me for it so i come back and say "You're just jealous" and they look at me like what the frig and I say "My brain's just cooler than yours. Your brain is neurotypical, and mine gets to have its own fancy thing." and then i use a whole bunch of big words to confuse them

@HighPockets group

so i'm on the autism spectrum and people like to tease me for it so i come back and say "You're just jealous" and they look at me like what the frig and I say "My brain's just cooler than yours. Your brain is neurotypical, and mine gets to have its own fancy thing." and then i use a whole bunch of big words to confuse them

Dude I sooooo wanna try that!


I walk with a permanent limp. Most of the time it's mild but sometimes when my knee gets agitated, be from the weather, atmospheric pressure, or exercise, my limp becomes very apparent. I used to be on crutches through the worst of it, and god damn I absolutely hated it when people closed the door on me, take my crutches without asking, or fucking hide my crutchesand force me to hop around to look for them. I especially hate the last one…those pricks.


I get it. People don't take real OCD seriously because they think it's simply something that bothers you and you can look away from. I really can't write or do other simple things. Even walking isn't normal for me.

@HighPockets group

I have a cocktail of mental illnesses/other mental stuff.
I did limp for a while because of some foot stuff but it's all better now thank God, because that was one hellish 8 months

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I have really bad lungs, but that's about it. Also, at one point the brain doctors thought I had a tumor.


how have I not been here yet???
Hi, im Hobbit, im a mess. lol
I have CP, Fibromyalgia, Autism, ADHD and anxiety, im a mess.
Anyway, I finally got myself a rolling backpack so I don't mess up my back and it's the best decision I've ever made. though i've started to realise how inaccessible some classrooms are just based on how difficult it is to get around chairs…. like If I can't get through there, someone in a wheelchair certainly can't and that ain't right.


oh wowie i forgot about notebook sorry yall
i didnt use my cane yesterday but my friends / bf fussed at me so im using it again today because im in a lot of pain and man. people are awful.
im sorry to all yall who are dealing with nasty ableism, i'd fight em if i could


yeah, being mentally ill and physically disabled, theres definitely bias against ppl with mental stuff ,, im sorry hon i hope it gets better