forum Did I experience sleep paralysis...?
Started by @RedTheLoveless

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I think I experienced this twice now? But I'm not sure. The first time, definitely, but this time I don't know.

So the first time I experienced this, I was at my actual home in bed. It was the middle of the night, I couldn't move or yell. I heard the gate in the backyard open and close, like someone passed through it. Same with the backdoor. Then I heard foreign footsteps walking through the house. I was terrified. I woke up the next morning and immediately checked the back door and gate. Nothing was unlocked, but the gate was open and swinging wildly due to the storm that was passing through those days.

Second time? I experienced this? I was at my other home, my cat was curled near my head. I awoke to this obnoxiously loud music? But it wasn't a specific song, it was kinda like if you took a train or someone talking and v-coded the sound to hell. I could move my head, I could kinda move my arms to adjust to blankets to cover my ears, and it didn't go away for a while. It was so fucking loud. Imagine you're wearing headphones and listening to music, but that music was at maximum volume. It was disconcerting. I would doze off and wake up again to that damn sound. I want to say this went on for an hour or two before finally stopping. I didn't/couldn't talk during that time. My cat didn't react. I wasn't particularly terrified, more frustrated and annoyed than anything.

Was it an acute auditory hallucination caused by sleep paralysis? Was something actually happening and my brain just modified it? Was it just a sucky dream? A second, objective opinion would be nice. I'm trying to research more on sleep paralysis, and I don't want to self-diagnose with something that may or may not have happened.

Also, feel free to talk about your own experiences with sleep paralysis.