forum Detroit: Become Human
Started by @PuffPoff

people_alt 3 followers


I played it all in two days, I have 8 college assignments that have to be done in 9 days, and I'm losing my mind. This game has destroyed me. Run my friend, run!


Unfortunately I don't have a console to play the game on, so I'm stuck watching other people play it.


To be honest, watching people play detroit is the exact same as playing it yourself, the only difference is that you're more tired, Chloe is 10x scarier, and every choice you make makes you want to cry from choice anxiety because Connor is a bean, Marcus is a bean, Kara is a bean, and you gotta make sure they don't kill each other. I'm really tired haha.


I already get really emotional just watching people play so I'm scared to see what will happen when I play myself.


My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife.

Did y'all know that if Connor dies a lot that Hank kills himself because he can't deal with it?


Yeah you also get a trophy or something if you kill Connor in every possible situation