forum Describe the person above you as if you’re speaking to your best friend
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

Pickles is a friend of mine, also a Frankenstein nerd (yes, I know, there's more than us three) but she doesn't like Victor, which is a sore subject for us. Don't look at me like that. No, I am not projecting onto-
We've had our differences but I love her and I'd die for her.

@HighPockets group

The self-insert thing technically isn't about Victor Frankenstein, but my best friend always jokes that my Victor is my self-insert lmao
He's not but it's an amazing running joke between us

@HighPockets group

Ella is like [insert name] but somehow more innocent and less at the same time. She's also very Catholic and smol bean and I love her

This absolutely works for a friend I have, she's simultaniously more and less innocent than Ella and very Catholic. But she's tol.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I'll do this! I don't know that many people because I stay to a very limited group, but here we go…
Alright. Pickles. You are a really nice person, and you have a heart for everyone. You care deeply, and you don't seem to tear people down. You bring them up. You always seem to have time, day or night, and you are always up for anything. Be it a rant, vent, expression of joy, or sadness, you'll be there, and you'll offer kind words of encouragement and support. I haven't know you for a while, but I've seen you around. I appreciate you, and what you do.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

(it amazes me how happy that makes me and also how much of that is untrue. But thanks)

(Don't say that's not untrue. It's how I see you. I look at the good, and the wonderful thing called potential. Everything has, or is,a choice. I choose to see the good in everything…)