forum Describe How You Picture the Person Below You (Game)
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@The-Magician group

@Lily_Thyme Average height, light but not extremely pale skin, somewhat light brown hair that's on the shorter side, hazel eyes

Yes, kinda, kinda, nope ^^


Bec, You have… medium-length black hair, green eyes, a slight tan, slightly below average height, lots of freckles, and you're surprisingly strong (physically)

@Becfromthedead group

Bec, You have… medium-length black hair, green eyes, a slight tan, slightly below average height, lots of freckles, and you're surprisingly strong (physically)

Only the height, and hair length. Hate to break it to you guys, but my skin has barely seen the sun in the past three years. Hence my constant jokes about being a vampire…

@The-Magician group

Bec, You have… medium-length black hair, green eyes, a slight tan, slightly below average height, lots of freckles, and you're surprisingly strong (physically)

Only the height, and hair length. Hate to break it to you guys, but my skin has barely seen the sun in the past three years. Hence my constant jokes about being a vampire…

Oh my gods I'm not the only one!!!


@Euric Knight
Urm…. dark brown hair, hazel eyes, slightly tan skin, taller and fit

I guess, possibly, not really, I guess I’m tall for my age, absolutely not