forum Dear People I'm RPing With
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 45 followers


@Caustic-Fraust-Is-A-Mood @EWS-izzy @ME9 @Ghost_Spiders_WABIAD_Book_Got_1st_in_QLD @Young-Dusty @Loki_Lyakuya @Fenris-is-a-wholesome-dork

Hi guys! Just wanting to let you know, I'm sorry I haven't been replying, I was working all weekend and have been equal parts busy/unmotivated the rest of the time. BUT! I'm not gone, I'll be back shortly, I'm just trying to pick myself up out of a little bit of a slump. Hopefully I should have my life put back together before Thanksgiving, but if not, I'll definitely be on by that weekend. Thanks for being patient with me, I'm super excited to get back into all our awesome Rps!! 'm lucky to have so many awesome friends and so many awesome plots :)
I have all of them open on separate tabs, so I won't forget any of them, but feel free to bump them so I get notifications. Thanks again you guys! Talk soon!