forum Dear Notebook
Started by @LemonGirl

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I'll be leaving this site for an indefinite amount of time. The reason? Basically, a lot has happened recently and I need some time to process and cope. I honestly don't know when (or if) I'll return.

Two of my uncles have passed in the last month or so, my aunt was diagnosed with lung cancer and refuses to get treatment (doctors say she has anywhere from 3-6 months left), my parents are seriously considering splitting up, and with school out for the rest of the year, I need to figure out how to graduate from high school and make a $200 deposit to the college I want to go to without a job or taking out loans. Overall, it's a lot that's hitting at the same time, and my motivation is sapped enough when it comes to schoolwork.

I'm not saying this for pity, but more as a way to explain it to anyone who might wonder where I've gone or why.

I've really enjoyed talking to everyone, and I'm really, really sorry to those of you that I left suddenly stranded in the middle of a roleplay. If anyone else wants to continue it with you in my stead, they're more than welcome to use my characters as they please.

Thank you, and goodbye.


@Anemone eco

Goodbye, LemonGirl! I hope everything can work out for you in the future. This is a very terrible situation for you to be in and I wish you all the best in future endeavours. Good luck and stay safe!