forum Dear Ella: We're Sorry.
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Deleted user


For those of you who don't know, some drama has ensued on the Venting Chat. This resulted in andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) deciding to lock the chat for the time being, a good decision in most people's mind. However, I think we all need to acknowledge that Ella's chat has been locked due to our behaviors, so in my mind, we all owe her an apology.
I'm @ing a few people who I know were on the chat. If you are @ed it's not because I think any of this is your fault, it's just my way of getting attention to this discussion so we can all apologize the way we should.


Deleted user

Ah yes.
Ella, I got involved and was part of the reason your thread was shut down. I'm very sorry on my behalf.
I hope we can make another thread and keep jerks out of it!

Love, Reed.

Deleted user

Yeah, sorry Ella. I make a lot of petty drama. I’m sorry I made so much drama.

@saor_illust school

I wasn't @ed. I wasn't a part of this drama. But I feel the need to say this:

Dear Ella,
I wasn't online at the time this happened, and was and still am very shocked that it got so far as to the fact that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) decided to lock the thread. I'm really sorry this got this way, I apologize on my behalf, I… I hope that you'll make another thread, but if you choose not to, that's your choice. It'd be nice if I could figure out a way to get everything I want on here, but… I can't seem to get my fingers to form the words. You're an amazing person, and though this happened, I hope that we can still chat every now and then, and… I don't know, I'm just really sorry that this had to happen, but the past is past and we can't do anything about what happened in the chat. Let's get past that, and I hope to be able to talk to all of you and help support you guys in the future.


Deleted user

I have an idea
Anyone who is willing could put EWS {Ella We're Sorry} in their username.
I feel really bad about this y'all


Ella I'm so sorry. I was worse than Kaiden on there, and that's saying a lot. I brought so much negativity into that chat, unwanted comments and shit.

Also an apology to the LGBT chat people, I was an asshole on there. I'm so sorry.

Deleted user

I’m also very sorry. It seems I did the most damage… I didn’t mean for it to turn out this way, I gave attention to an internet troll, I’m such an idiot… I’m very sorry Ella.

@TeamMezzo group

Ella, dearest, we're so sorry for bringing your chat down. It was supposed to bring us up, and we turned it into a toxic chat. This is an apology to everyone.


Hi, yes, I was wanting to apologize for my part in it, despite that I made a suggestion of ignoring the trolls, I didn't follow my own advice, which was childish and immature, not to mention hypocritical. My bad entirely on my part.
Thanks so much Blurry for making this and giving me a chance to apologize! I really appreciate you making this thread and tagging me in it!
And good job to andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), that was the right thing to do, and thank to him for it also.

You guys are all the best, and I think we all learned some good stuff from this, I know I did <3 Thanks to Ella for running such an awesome thread for so long, and I'm really sorry we ruined it. We were telling this person how immature they were being, while in reality, we were just sinking to their level.
Sorry to everyone involved

Deleted user

Ella, sweetie, you tried, you can’t stop an internet troll, we gave him what he wanted, attention, we should have ignored it. We gave in. Ella was strong, I wasn’t.