forum Daily Questions!!?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Hey! I got this idea from YouTube of all places, and uhhhhh, yeah,. I'm gonna ask a question or two!

Would you take the deal of being immortal (we're talking you don't age and are nearly unaffected by known diseases and toxins, but can be killed), but you get thrown back in time 2,000 years?
(You can take three of your possessions so long as you can carry them.)
What would you do?


I'm not sure if I'd do it or not. I mean, it would be super cool to just go and take photos of the events happening in biblical times, but I'd probably end up executed or something

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Uhm… maybe record what Jesus did in more detail for others to see? I'd bring a knife, for protection, and then a pen with infinite ink, and then my hoodie.

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Then I can sleep more. And my sisters would be less active.


Ooooh, that's a difficult one…
If it was always day, the weather would get extremely hot over the summer, but suspicious/sketchy activity would be easier to detect. It would also be a bit hard to sleep at first, but with good curtains and some time, it's not impossible.

If it was always night, badgers, mosquitos, and crickets would be way more active, but so would cute creatures such as bats, owls, cats, and opossums. It would be much easier to sleep, but also much harder to drive. The weather would be very cold, plants would never grow, and actually now that I think about it we'd all die if it was always nighttime…

I choose the day.

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YEE! And then I would also have motivation to do stuff. The latter of which I always have more of at night.

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Ooooh, that's a difficult one…
If it was always day, the weather would get extremely hot over the summer, but suspicious/sketchy activity would be easier to detect. It would also be a bit hard to sleep at first, but with good curtains and some time, it's not impossible.

If it was always night, badgers, mosquitos, and crickets would be way more active, but so would cute creatures such as bats, owls, cats, and opossums. It would be much easier to sleep, but also much harder to drive. The weather would be very cold, plants would never grow, and actually now that I think about it we'd all die if it was always nighttime…

I choose the day.

Plant growth? GREENHOUSES!!!
Too many 'Squitos? BATS WILL EAT THEM!!
People would also develop good night vision over time.