forum D&D stuff? idk.
Started by @Huxly

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I just started my first REAL campaign with my friends yesterday. We still need to add a few things to our characters. My character is an albino kenku artificer. He was born in a cave that has magical powers which is why he's albino, but he got separated from his parents and was adopted by humans. I'm bored so I just made this post for fun

@Becfromthedead group

I did my first campaign a few weeks ago. My character is a lawful neutral dwarf paladin who fought in a crusade a few years back. We’re 4 sessions in and she’s now married to a tiefling warlock and is pregnant with a tiefling/dwarf child. So now we have to make a homebrew hybrid race between those two…


oh lol. I think the first fake campaign I ever did, my character was actually a tiefling warlock soooo… Also the reason I say fake is 'cause we only played for like an hour.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I made a character for a campaign that never happened a while back too. She was a gnome paladin. (I really wanted to start out with a paladin because they’re not hard to use, and they support and hit hard).
Um so some great things that have happened so far:
-My character drop-kicked a kobald to death. I just meant to kick him across the room, but rolled a 20 to hit and max damage.
-My character frequently chops foes’ arms off before killing them for some reason.
-The tiefling warlock once eldrich blasted someone then convinced them he didn’t do it
-He also will sit behind my character and use her as a shield because marriage bonuses and because she’s got a high AC
-The tiefling warlock turned invisible, got cornered, and then said, “you don’t see me,” to which the guy who found him agreed, “I don’t see you.”
-One time we were surrounded, and one of the enemies announced, “We have you surrounded!” The tiefling warlock turns invisible and shouts back, “No, we have you surrounded!”
-Someone in our party seduced a boss and we had to fight the boss next session because someone made her angry.
-Our party’s monk used a fighting technique he’d never used in battle trying to break a lamp. He broke all of his limbs instead and the tiefling warlock had to put him down.
(Honestly there’s so much more, even though I’ve only played 4 sessions)

Deleted user

ive been wanting to start a campaign but alas, i have no clue what I'm doing