forum Cryptids/Theories
Started by @n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

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My science teacher has a pretty cool theory about aliens from Mars.

I know I saw a theory somewhere about plateaus being petrified tree trunk stumps.

There has to be at least two local cryptids at the school I go to. Same thing with our rival school, too. I know both very well (aka I grew up knowing them b/c teacher-parent)


It's a shorter list of what I won't believe in. If it hasn't been proven true, that doesn't mean it's false. If it absolutely has been proven false, then sure I'll accept that. But just because YOU or -I- haven't ever seen aliens or mermaids or fairies or whatever doesn't mean that they don't exist. Lack of evidence isn't evidence against.

@n o s t r a d a m u s location_city

I have sort of become a cryptid in multiple places. At my old school I would disappear for days or even weeks at a time (Because I have chronic migraines and literally cannot go to school when I get a migraine) and like not talk to anyone during my absence and then suddenly reappear. This escalated in 2018 when I showed up for all of four days of term 1 then started homeschooling and told absolutely no one, I've even stopped posting on my social media accounts that people from my school follow to keep the joke running. I straight up disappeared. And every now and again I'll see someone I went to school with, and I'll pretend I either don't see them or don't know them just to mess with them. And I know people still talk about me and theorise where I went bc I still talk to one of the people I was friends with and when people see me in public it starts the discussion back up.
I have also become a cryptid at my local library by borrowing a ridiculous amount of books and then keeping them for months past their return date, then randomly returning all of them at once. I have literally been doing this for years, and the staff that have been there a long time have nicknamed me "information hoarder".
I must also mention that I am so pale that I reflect sunlight, and never dress in the right season (summer clothes in winter and winter clothes in summer) so that has probably contributed a bit.

@HighPockets group

I have sort of become a cryptid in multiple places. At my old school I would disappear for days or even weeks at a time (Because I have chronic migraines and literally cannot go to school when I get a migraine) and like not talk to anyone during my absence and then suddenly reappear. This escalated in 2018 when I showed up for all of four days of term 1 then started homeschooling and told absolutely no one, I've even stopped posting on my social media accounts that people from my school follow to keep the joke running. I straight up disappeared. And every now and again I'll see someone I went to school with, and I'll pretend I either don't see them or don't know them just to mess with them. And I know people still talk about me and theorise where I went bc I still talk to one of the people I was friends with and when people see me in public it starts the discussion back up.
I have also become a cryptid at my local library by borrowing a ridiculous amount of books and then keeping them for months past their return date, then randomly returning all of them at once. I have literally been doing this for years, and the staff that have been there a long time have nicknamed me "information hoarder".
I must also mention that I am so pale that I reflect sunlight, and never dress in the right season (summer clothes in winter and winter clothes in summer) so that has probably contributed a bit.

This is what I aspire to be, you are ICONIC!


Haha my friends friend group is unsure of whether I exist because she has 6 different completely unrelated nicknames for me, I have discovered that I have a really gender neutral face so she has photos of me looking full guy, full girl and completely non binary so they are just all very confused