forum Critique my angels.
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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So… Here are my angels… Tell me what you think?

Appearance: The true forms and voices of angels are too surreal, beautiful and terrifying to be observed by humans, as any observing them will often simply die of shock, or "break" their senses. Angels can appear humanlike, they can appear as all races and genders. They all have gold eyes, of course. All the males are in fact very tall in stature, have symmetrical features, define cheeks, and strong jawlines, and are very well muscled. Females also are quite tall, have symmetrical features, and are curvaceous. They do not have halos, wings, or any of that nonsense. They all look similar.

Personality: Each and every single angel is, at their core, the same as all the others. Stoic, ruthless, callous, cold, merciless and obedient, but also very righteous. They all have different personality traits, but these core traits are universal with angels. To those on their good side, they seem as splendid caregivers. To those against them, they are killing machines. Angels have little to no emotions, and they don't quite get irony or cynicism, and take things very literally. Thus, they are socially awkward compared to most humans. They are brimming with motivation, and judge themselves and others on their self-worth. Angels are dutiful to the maximum, and they can seem ridiculously robotic.

Powers and Abilities…
-superhuman intelligence and mental function
-mental wiping/healing
-superhuman strength, stamina, agility, speed, durability and regeneration
-can travel through liquids, gasses, and vaccums
-angelic possession
-recieve extensive training in whatever profession they happen to excel at.

-various conventional ways like humans, even if they're immune to some
-lose some of their abilities in Hell
-High-Angels, Hell-Princes, and Factors can summon them, banish them, and force them in/out of hosts