forum Creepy Google Translate things you've seen
Started by @yeetus

people_alt 8 followers


I did the Somali trick a while ago.

I can't remember the exact words but it was something like "Another dimension", and it translated to, "At the moment, he is on his way."

Scared the living crap out of me…


I've seen a few, but I can't remember any. Rip.

I think if you separate words into two letters with spaces in between, and translate it into a certain language, you can sometimes get weird translations.


This isn't really creepy, but I once ran my novel through Google Translate one paragraph at a time and it was hilariously nonsensical. I can send some excerpts sometime.


Typed ‘na’ a bunch of times into Somali and got « Nothing is too much for us, but we do not know how to do it. ». Can I get a poster with that on it

@Mercury Beta Tester

If you put "owo uwu uwu owo"
Try translating this phrase from Somali to English too.

You get: