forum Creating Titles
Started by @actualdragon

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Help please I'm writing a fantasy novel and I have no idea what to do for a title and this is a common problem that I have had with every book I try to write so does anyone have any tips on coming up with a title in general so it's helpful to everyone not just me


Well, what I usually do for titles is look at the genre, setting, and other very important details. What happens? Does one tree falling destroy the universe? Then call it A Lone Tree Falling. Is your protagonist misunderstood? Then call it Mistaken. It honestly all depends on what's happening, where it takes place, and characters' feeling and/or emotions.
I hope this helped. If you want an example from a story I'm writing just let me know :D

Deleted user

Use a repeating theme throughout the book/series. I can give you an example from my current series if you want.