forum Creating a life-line
Started by @Oakiin

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I need something to give me accountability. Some reason to be alive tomorrow. Like just promising something to someone. Does that make sense? idk

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Yeah, that totally makes sense. I remember talking to my cousin about this a year ago and we promised we wouldn't kill ourselves but she died at the beginning of the school year. But I made a promise that I intend to keep and the look on her face if she knew I broke that promise definitely helps me make it through hard days

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

Please don't hurt yourself, I know it's hard right now, hell, I'm not even better yet so I don't know how reliable my words are but it does get better eventually. It helps to talk to someone and I am always here if you need to talk. You can PM me or we can just talk on here if that's more comfortable for you. It helps me to talk to friends, they've gotten me through a lot too, but please don't hurt yourself. There's so much you still haven't seen or done and there's so much left for you to do and accomplish.

@HighPockets group

If you stay alive, I will too. And I don't plan on dying until I'm at least 40. I'm in two suicide pacts of sorts already, so I'm motivated to keep you alive as well as my other friends.


Hey, I'm sorry about the super late reply, hope I didn't worry you ><
I had to leave and get help, it was getting too dangerous x.x But don't worry, I'll be okay
I don't know how to PM, can you teach me?
Thank-you so much for the support, it means a lot to me that anyone would care <3

Again, sorry for the lateness, I hope I didn't cause too much concern
I like that idea, let's make that deal. I'll shoot for 50, I think. Thank-you so much <3 <3 you'll have to teach me how this works :)

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

That's perfectly fine. I was sent to the mental ward today after my regular doctor check-u because they made me take one of those anxiety/depression/suicidal tests and I got a 23 out of 30 and getting a 10 is bad so…yeah…that happened, but they released me because I was able to convince them that nothing was actually wrong with me, which I mostly did because they can't help me, then never have in the past so…yep…I'm all good over here. 😂
But I can PM you first so all you have to do it click on the inbox button to respond


Aw, no, that's no fun TwT I hope you're doing better, I'm here to talk to if you need it : )
Thanks, that sounds awesome <3


Here's a copypasta I wrote myself… It was for another person… But I guarantee you I mean every word of it for you…

It's like this…

Find a way to keep going, even if it's for one more minute. If you can do that, you can manage for another, and another. If you can manage three, you can manage three more, if you can manage six, you can manage twelve, and twenty four, and forty eight, and an hour, and two hours, and twenty four hours, then two days, then a week. A month, two, three, six, a year. Five years, ten, fifty, and all the way up until you're old, and wise. You can do this. I believe in every thing you do!!!
You can!
You have the strength of will to keep going within you, and I'm positive you can outgrow this. You can beat this KMart! We will support you every step of the way! With every single fiber of our collective beings!

So keep pushing. For us.

Stay strong my friend. And if you can't do it on your own… I'll help you. I promise I'll try my best to hurl you up when you feel good, and cushion you when you fall. No matter what.

If you need anything, PM me… All you gotta do is go to the envelope on the top right corner of the screen… Enter my name… And explain everything, or vent… Or whatever you gotta do to feel good… If you still don't get it… That's OK… Say the word and I'll PM you…

I don't know you, but I know that you're worth having around…

I'll do my best to help you… I promise…


Thanks so much Shuri hugs Those are wise words, that helped me a lot.
I'll certainly keep you as a thought, thank-you <3

@HighPockets group

Hey, I'm sorry about the super late reply, hope I didn't worry you ><
I had to leave and get help, it was getting too dangerous x.x But don't worry, I'll be okay
I don't know how to PM, can you teach me?
Thank-you so much for the support, it means a lot to me that anyone would care <3

Again, sorry for the lateness, I hope I didn't cause too much concern
I like that idea, let's make that deal. I'll shoot for 50, I think. Thank-you so much <3 <3 you'll have to teach me how this works :)

So if I don't die, you don't die. If you die, I have to die as well.
If you die, I'm hiring a hitman to take me out to leave the world with an interesting murder case in my passing


So if I don't die, you don't die. If you die, I have to die as well.
If you die, I'm hiring a hitman to take me out to leave the world with an interesting murder case in my passing

hhhh sounds fair
Alright, I think I can handle that :)

@Neon_Gravestones_Try_To_Call_For_My_Bones-(It's MK)

So if I don't die, you don't die. If you die, I have to die as well.
If you die, I'm hiring a hitman to take me out to leave the world with an interesting murder case in my passing

Oh my god! I have thought about doing this sometimes because it would be funny and I really want to die :D
Just kidding… not really I'm a happy-ish human being

@HighPockets group

So if I don't die, you don't die. If you die, I have to die as well.
If you die, I'm hiring a hitman to take me out to leave the world with an interesting murder case in my passing

hhhh sounds fair
Alright, I think I can handle that :)

Okay, sounds like a deal!